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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

    Prime name: PRUNE DE CAZOULS

    Variety number VIVC: 9791

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
6Cépages et Vignobles de France, Vol. 4GALET, P.Paysan du Midi, Montpellier19643169
130Liste des variétés de raisins de table et de raisins secsO.I.V.Bull. O.I.V. (60) 47-82198775
285Ecologia de la vid en la Republica ArgentinaZULUAGA, P.; ZULUAGA, E.M.; LUMELLI, J.; DE LA IGLESIA, F.J.Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias197156
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000GROSSA VIVARAIS, PRUNE DE CAZOULS356, 656
19Ampelografiai AlbumNEMETH, M.Mezögazdasági Kiadó, Budapest1975307
40152Pedigrees of fifty table-grape cultivarsVARGAS, A.M.; TERESA DE ANDRES, M.; BORREGO, J.; IBANEZ, J.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 60 (4) 525-532 Supplement S. 1-42009PRUNE DE CAZOULS528, Suppl.
40039Genetic structure and differentiation in cultivated grape, Vitis vinifera L.ARADHYA, K.M.; DANGL, G.S.; PRINS, B.H.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; WALKER, M.A.; MEREDITH, C.; SIMON, C.J.Genetical Research 81 (3) 179-192 2003PRUNE DE CAZOULSSuppl.
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013PRUNE DE CAZOULSSuppl.
40677Urgent need for preservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera) germplasm from small circum-Sicilian islands as revealed by SSR markers and traditional use investigationsGRISTINA, A. S.; DE MICHELE, R.; GARFI, G.; LA MANTIA, T.; FONTANA, I.; SPINELLI, P.; MOTISI, A.; CARIMI, F.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 64 (6) 1395-14152017ALIVEDDA NERA (US)1400, 1406, 1410, fig.
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015PRUNE DE CAZOULS, APESORGIA NIEDDA904, 125
40500Ampelometric leaf trait and SSR loci selection for a multivariate statistical approach in Vitis vinifera L. biodiversity managementALBA, V.; BERGAMINI, C.; GENGHI, R.; GASPARRO, M.; PERNIOLA, R.; ANTONACCI, D.Molecular Biotechnology 57 (8) 709-719 2015BERMESTIA VIOLACEA711
40693Molecular characterization of table grape varieties preserved in the Rancho de la Merced Grapevine Germplasm Bank (Spain)JIMENEZ-CANTIZANO, A.; GARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; ARROYO-GARCIA, R.Vitis 57 (3) 93-101 2018PRUNE DE CAZOULS98, Suppl.
1269Cultivares viticolas ArgentinasALCALDE, A. J.INTA, Mendoza, Argentina1989PRUNES DE CAZCULS94
1296Variedades de vid que se cultivan en la región de cuyoVEGA, J.; ALCALDE, A. J.; CINTA, W.INTA Buenos Aires1962PRUNE DE CAZOULS96, fig.
1301Testing Grape Varieties in the Vinifera Regions of the United StatesHUSMANN, G. C.Government Printing Office, Washington1915PRUNE DE CAZOULS66