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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-45 of 45 items.

    Prime name: MOLINERA

    Variety number VIVC: 7900

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
7Variétés de Raisins de Table, Vol. 1-3BRANAS, J.; TRUEL, P.Nouvelles Progrès Agricole Viticole, Montpellier1965CASTELLANA MORADA, MOLINERA GORDAVol. 1, p. 81; Vol. 3, p. 970
46Contribucion al Conocimiento del Inventario Viticola NacionalHIDALGO, L.; CANDELA, M. R.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Madrid197111, 78
6Cépages et Vignobles de France, Vol. 4GALET, P.Paysan du Midi, Montpellier1964MOLINERA GORDA3180
285Ecologia de la vid en la Republica ArgentinaZULUAGA, P.; ZULUAGA, E.M.; LUMELLI, J.; DE LA IGLESIA, F.J.Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias197143
332Descripciones ampelograficas nacionales. Monografias de Investigacion y Experimentacion AgrariaBORREGO POLANCO, J.Communidad de Madrid1990MOLINERA165
343Treatise on the vinePRINCE, R.W.T. & J. Swords, G. & C. & H. Carvill - New York183087
406Table grape varieties in VictoriaHESLOP, A.J.Department of Agriculture 241/3019892
341Tercera comunicacion sobre caracterizacion agronomica de variedades de Vitis vinifera L.HIDALGO, L.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion, Madrid199113, 22
426La coleccion de vides del Rancho de la MercedGARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; LARA BENITEZ, M.Dirección General de Investigacion y Extensión Agraria1989CASTELLANO MORADO22
450Liste Internationale des Variétés de Vigne et de leurs SynonymesO.I.V.O.I.V., Paris1996ALBARANZEULI NERO1
299Reben, Trauben, Weine - Ein Führer durch die Rebsorten der WeltROBINSON, J.Hallwag Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart1987ALBARANZEULI NERO213
1Traité Général de Viticulture, Ampélographie, Vol. 1-7VIALA, P.; VERMOREL, V.Masson et Compagnie, Paris1905-1910MOLINERA GORDAVol. 2, p. 198
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000CASTELLANA MORADA, MOLINERA GORDA, ALBARANZEULI NERO171, 513; 20
510Vitigni d'ItaliaCALO, A.; SCIENZA, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MOLINA, M.Edagricole-Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.2001ALBARANZEULI NERO150
40151Genetic relationships among table-grape varietiesIBANEZ, J.; VARGAS, A. M.; PALANCAR, M.; BORREGO, J.; ANDRES, M. T. DEAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 60 (1) 35-422009MOLINERA37
40176Genetic structure, origins, and relationships of grapevine cultivars from the Castilian Plateau of SpainSANTANA, C.J.; HEUERTZ, M.; ARRANZ, C.; RUBIO, J.A.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.; HIDALGO, E.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (2) 214-2242010MOLINERA/RED MALAGA217; Suppl.
40039Genetic structure and differentiation in cultivated grape, Vitis vinifera L.ARADHYA, K.M.; DANGL, G.S.; PRINS, B.H.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; WALKER, M.A.; MEREDITH, C.; SIMON, C.J.Genetical Research 81 (3) 179-192 2003RED MALAGASuppl.
675Ampelografski AtlasMIROSEVIC, N.; TURKOVIC, Z.Golden marketing - Tehnicka knjiga, Zagreb2003MALAGA CRVENA148, fig.
760Wine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉPenguin Books Ltd.2012ALBARANZEULI NERO23
40315Genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations in Spain and their genetic relationsships with cultivated grapevinesDE ANDRES, M.T.; BENIT, A.; PEREZ-RIVERA, G.; OCETE, R.; LOPEZ, M.A.; GAFORIO, L.; MUNOZ, G.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ ZAPATER, J.M.; ARROYO-GARCIA,R.Molecular Ecology 21 (4) 800-816 2012MOLINERASuppl.
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013MOLINERA GORDASuppl.
840Ampelografia Universale Storica Illustrata. I Vitigni del MondoSCHNEIDER, A.; MAINARDI, G.; RAIMONDI, S.L'Artistica Editrice (Bd. 1-3)2012MOLINERA GORDAVol. 1, p. 200
669Vitigni d'Italia - Le varieta tradizionali per la produzione di vini moderniCALO, A.; SCIENZA, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MOLINA, M.; AGGIO, L.; GIUST, M.; CARRARO, R.Edagricole-Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.2006ALBARANZEULI NERO182
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015ALBARANZEULI NERO, MOLINERA GORDA99, 709
863Pedigree analysis of the Spanish grapevine cultivar 'Heben'ZINELABIDINE, L. H.; CUNHA, J.; EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; IBANEZ, J.Vitis 54 (Special Issue) 81-86 2015MOLINERA85
10676Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen relative to the naming and release of the Black Emerald grapeUS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington1994MARAVILLE
322Growing grapes in MinnesotaMACGREGOR, D.Minnesota Grape Growers Association1991165
257Foundations of American grape cultureMUNSON, T.V.T.V. Munson & Son, Denison (Texas)1909202
926'Valley Pearl' table grapeLEDBETTER, C. A.HortScience 51 (6) 772-774 2016MARAVILLE773
1083Extended diversity analysis of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K genome-wide SNPsLAUCOU, V.; LAUNAY, A.; BACILIERI, R.; LACOMBE, T.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; BERARD, A.; CHAUVEAU, A.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; HAUSMANN, L.; IBANEZ, J.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; MAGHRADZE, D.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; MAUL, E.; PONNAIAH, M.; TÖPFER, R.; PEROS, J. P.; BOURSIQUOTPLoS one, 13 (2) e0192540 1-27 2018MOLINERA GORDASuppl.
40325Microsatellite analysis to rationalize grape germplasm in India and development of a molecular databaseUPADHYAY, A.; AHER, L. B.; SHINDE, M. P.; MUNDANKAR, K. Y.; DATRE, A.; KARIBASAPPA, G. S.Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 11 (3) 225-233 2013CASTIZASuppl.
40665SSR analysis of 338 accessions planted in Penedès (Spain) reveals 28 unreported molecular profiles of Vitis vinifera L.MARSAL, G.; MATEO-SANZ, J.M.; CANALS, J.M.; ZAMORA, F.; FORT, F.Am J Enol Vitic (67) 466-470 2016MOLINERA
40836Parentage of Albaranzeuli BiancoCRESPAN, M.Personal communication2019ALBARANZEULI NERO
40845AKINAS. Uve di SardegnaLOVICU, G.Poliedro2017ALBARANZEULI NERO19
40693Molecular characterization of table grape varieties preserved in the Rancho de la Merced Grapevine Germplasm Bank (Spain)JIMENEZ-CANTIZANO, A.; GARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; ARROYO-GARCIA, R.Vitis 57 (3) 93-101 2018CASTELLANO MORADO95, Suppl.
1269Cultivares viticolas ArgentinasALCALDE, A. J.INTA, Mendoza, Argentina1989MARAVILLA DE MALAGA74
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021MOLINERASuppl.
1106Grape Varieties in IndiaCHADHA, K. L.; RANDHAWA G. S.Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi1974CASTIZA71
1319Personal communication - Notes on AKINAS varietiesRIGOLDI, P.; FRAU, A.Personal communication, march 20212021ALBARANZEULI NERO
1342Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire évolutive de la vigne cultivée (Vitis vinifera L.) par l'analyse de la diversité génétique neutre et de gènes d'intérêtLACOMBE, T.Montpellier SupAgro, Centre International d'Etudes Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques, Montpellier, France, 328 pp.2012MOLINERA GORDASuppl.
40934Genetic Characterization by SSR Markers of a Comprehensive Wine Grape Collection Conserved at Rancho de la Merced (Andalusia, Spain)CRETAZZO, E.; MORENO SANZ, P.; LORENZI, S.; BENITEZ, M. L.; VELASCO, L.; EMANUELLI, F.Plants 11 (8, Art. 1088) 19 pp 2022MARBELLISuppl.
40938Genetic diversity and population structure assessed by SSR and SNP markers in a large germplasm collection of grapeEMANUELLI, F.; LORENZI, S.; GRZESKOWIAK, L.; CATALANO, V.; STEFANINI, M.; TROGGIO, M.; MYLES, S.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; ZYPRIAN, E.; MOREIRA, F. M.; GRANDO, M. S.BMC Plant Biology 13 (39) 17 pp2013ORAA-MOLINERASuppl.
40939Identification of red grapevine cultivars Vitis vinifera L. preserved in ancient vineyards in Axarquia (Andalusia, Spain)JIMENEZ-CANTIZANO, A.; MUNOZ-MARTIN, A.; AMORES-ARROCHA, A.; SANCHO-GALAN, P.; PALACIOS, V.Plants 9 (11, Art.1572) 10 pp. 2020CASILES NEGRA3
1296Variedades de vid que se cultivan en la región de cuyoVEGA, J.; ALCALDE, A. J.; CINTA, W.INTA Buenos Aires1962MOLINERA224, fig.
18Régistre Ampélographique International Vol. 1-5O.I.V.Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris1961-1972MOLINERAVol. 5, Nr. 438