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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-43 of 43 items.

    Prime name: HEBEN

    Variety number VIVC: 5335

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
6Cépages et Vignobles de France, Vol. 4GALET, P.Paysan du Midi, Montpellier1964GIBI3085
18Régistre Ampélographique International Vol. 1-5O.I.V.Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris1961-1972GIBIVol. 2, Nr. 105
31Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigen Arten, insbesondere den NutzpflanzenSUESSENGUTH, K.Duncker and Humblot, Berlin1953MOURISCO BRANCO354
88Le Portugal Vinicole. Recherches sur l' Ampélographie et la Valeur Oenologique des Principaux Cépages du PortugalCINCINNATTO DA COSTA, B.C.Imprimerie Nationale, Lisbonne1900MOURISCO BRANCO422
1Traité Général de Viticulture, Ampélographie, Vol. 1-7VIALA, P.; VERMOREL, V.Masson et Compagnie, Paris1905-1910MOURISCO BRANCO, HEBENVol. 7, p. 231, 150
120Handbuch der AmpelographieGOETHE, H.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin1887MOURISCO BRANCO98
419VIII. Curso de Ampelografia. Cultivares viticolas cuyanasALCALDE, A.J.Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, MendozaGIBI23
341Tercera comunicacion sobre caracterizacion agronomica de variedades de Vitis vinifera L.HIDALGO, L.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion, Madrid1991LACO BLANCO12
426La coleccion de vides del Rancho de la MercedGARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; LARA BENITEZ, M.Dirección General de Investigacion y Extensión Agraria1989LACO BLANCO35
450Liste Internationale des Variétés de Vigne et de leurs SynonymesO.I.V.O.I.V., Paris1996MOURISCO BRANCO34
479Taschenbuch der Rebsorten (11. Aufl.)HILLEBRAND, W.; LOTT, H.; PFAFF, F.Fachverlag Dr. Fraund GmbH, 55120 Mainz1997MONRISCO BRANCO412
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000GIBI, HEBEN, LEKEL ANEB, MOURISCO BRANCO330, 367, 453, 528
40088Characterization of Spanish grapevine cultivar diversity using sequence-tagged microsatellite site markersMARTIN, J.P.; BORREGO, J.; CABELLO, F.; ORTIZ, J.M.Genome 46 (1) 10-18 2003HEBEN17
40202Corinto bianco: A seedless mutant of Pedro XimenezVARGAS, A.M.; VELEZ, M.D.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; LAUCOU, V.; LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; BORREGO, J.; IBANEZ, J.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (4) 540-5432007GIBI541
40210Microsatellite database of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars used for wine production in PortugalVELOSO, M.M.; ALMANDANIM, M.C.; BALEIRAS-COUTO, M.; PEREIRA, H.S.; CARNEIRO, L.C.; FEVEREIRO, P.; EIRAS-DIAS, J.Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 25 (2) 53-612010MOURISCO BRANCO57
638Estudio de variedades minoritarias de vid (Vitis vinifera L.): Descripción, caracterización agronómica y enológica de material procedente de las Islas BalearesGARCIA-MUNOZ, S.Universidad de Valladolid, Tesis doctoral2011HEBEN62
699Ministério da Agricultura, do Mar do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do TerritórioANONYMOUSDiario de Republica 1, 226 (22) 6712 - 67152012MOURISCO BRANCO6714
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013GIBI = HEBENSuppl.
760Wine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉPenguin Books Ltd.2012GIBI409
828Catálogo das Castas para Vinho Cultivadas em Portugal Vol. 1-2EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; FAUSTINO, R.; CLÍMACO, P.; FERNANDES, P.; CRUZ, A.; CUNHA, J.; VELOSO, M.; DE CASTRO, R.Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.2011/2013MOURISCO BRANCOVol. 2, p. 85
850Identification of grapevine accessions from Argentina introduced in the ampelographic collection of Domaine de VassalBOURSIQUOT, J. M.; LAUCOU, V.; LLORENTE, A.; LACOMBE, T.BIO Web of Conferences 3, 01019 2014GIBI2
40172Wild grapevine: silvestris, hybrids or cultivars that escaped from vineyards? Molecular evidence in SardiniaZECCA, G.; DE MATTIA, F.; LOVICU, G.; LABRA, M.; SALA, F.; GRASSI, F.Plant Biology 12 (3) 558-5622010CALABRESA OLIENA, MONICA BIANCA, PANSALESuppl.
40310Grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) from the Balearic Islands: genetic characterization and relationship with Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean basinGARCIA-MUNOZ, S.; LACOMBE, T.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; GAFORIO, L.; MUNOZ-ORGANERO, G.; LAUCOU, V.; THIS P.; CABELLO, F.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 59 (4) 589-605 2012HEBEN62
907Seed morpho-colorimetric analysis by computer vision: a helpful tool to identify grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivarsORRU, M.; GRILLO, O.; VENORA, G.; BACCHETTA, G.Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 21 (3) 508-519 2015MONICA BIANCA, CALABRESA DI SEULO511
998Sardegna: individuati circa 150 vitigni autoctoniLOVICU, G.; FARCI, M.; SEDDA, M.; LABBRA, M.; DE MATTIA, F.; GRASSI, F.; BACCHETTA, G.; ORRÚ, M.L'Informatore Agrario (34) 40-412010MONICA BIANCASuppl.
1083Extended diversity analysis of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K genome-wide SNPsLAUCOU, V.; LAUNAY, A.; BACILIERI, R.; LACOMBE, T.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; BERARD, A.; CHAUVEAU, A.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; HAUSMANN, L.; IBANEZ, J.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; MAGHRADZE, D.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; MAUL, E.; PONNAIAH, M.; TÖPFER, R.; PEROS, J. P.; BOURSIQUOTPLoS one, 13 (2) e0192540 1-27 2018GIBI = HEBENSuppl.
40140Relationships and genetic diversity within the accesions related to Malvasia held in the Domaine de Vassal grape germplams repositoryLACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M. ; LAUCOU, V.; DECHESNE, F.; VARÈS, D.; THIS, P.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (1) 124-1312007GIBISuppl.
40090Genetic study of key Spanish grapevine varieties using microsatellite analysisIBANEZ, J.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; MOLINO, A.; BORREGO, J.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 54 (1) 22-302003TORRONTES26
40696Characterisation of the Portuguese grapevine germplasm with 48 single-nucleotide polymorphismsCUNHA, J.; IBANEZ, J.; TEIXEIRA-SANTOS, M.; BRAZAO, J.; FEVEREIRO, P.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 22 (3) 504-516 2016MOURISCO BRANCO507
40502Colección de Variedades de VidCOMUNIDAD DE MADRIDIMIDRA - Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario2015HEBEN
40860Genetic Relationships Among Portuguese Cultivated and Wild Vitis vinifera L. germplasmCUNHA, J.; IBANEZ, J.; TEIXEIRA-SANTOS, M.; BRAZAO, J.; FEVEREIRO, P.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 127 2020HEBENSuppl.
40865Uncovering Northeast Portugal grapevine's varietal legacyAUGUSTO, D.; OLIVEIRA, A.A.; FALCO, V.; CASTRO, I.Vitis 58 (Special Issue) 89-93 2019HEBEN91
40845AKINAS. Uve di SardegnaLOVICU, G.Poliedro2017MONICA BIANCA174
40844Variedades blancas minoritarias en Extremadura: Bastardo Blanco, Folgaçao, Hebén, Verdejo Serrano y Zurieles. Estudio ampelográfico. Caracterización físico-química del ciclo de maduración y de los vinos de la cosecha 2018VALDES, M. E.; GAMERO, E.; RIVERO, J.; CUMPLIDO, G.; CABELLO, F.; DE ANDRES, M. T.; MUNOZ, G.; MORENO, D.ATEVA, Evora; Portugal2019HEBEN146
40886Varieties obtained from recent registrations (2018-2019) in the "REGISTRO NAZIONALE DELLE VARIETA' DELLA VITE"FRAU, A.; RIGOLDI, M. P.Personal communication2020PANSALE
1269Cultivares viticolas ArgentinasALCALDE, A. J.INTA, Mendoza, Argentina1989GIBI58
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021HEBENSuppl.
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015HEBEN528
40933Grapevine diversity and genetic relationships in northeast Portugal old vineyardsAUGUSTO, D.; IBANEZ, J.; PINTO-SINTRA, A. L.; FALCO, V.; LEAL, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. A.Plants 10 (12, Art. 2755) 24 pp 2021HEBEN5; Suppl.
1342Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire évolutive de la vigne cultivée (Vitis vinifera L.) par l'analyse de la diversité génétique neutre et de gènes d'intérêtLACOMBE, T.Montpellier SupAgro, Centre International d'Etudes Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques, Montpellier, France, 328 pp.2012GIBI = HEBéNSuppl.
40934Genetic Characterization by SSR Markers of a Comprehensive Wine Grape Collection Conserved at Rancho de la Merced (Andalusia, Spain)CRETAZZO, E.; MORENO SANZ, P.; LORENZI, S.; BENITEZ, M. L.; VELASCO, L.; EMANUELLI, F.Plants 11 (8, Art. 1088) 19 pp 2022DIAMANT TRAUBESuppl.
40938Genetic diversity and population structure assessed by SSR and SNP markers in a large germplasm collection of grapeEMANUELLI, F.; LORENZI, S.; GRZESKOWIAK, L.; CATALANO, V.; STEFANINI, M.; TROGGIO, M.; MYLES, S.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; ZYPRIAN, E.; MOREIRA, F. M.; GRANDO, M. S.BMC Plant Biology 13 (39) 17 pp2013ORAA-HEBENSuppl.