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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-10 of 10 items.

    Prime name: COT DE CHERAGAS

    Variety number VIVC: 5169

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
336Cépages et Vignobles de France. L'Ampélographie Française, Tome 2, 2e éditionGALET, P.E. P. Dehan, Montpellier1990COT DE CHERAGAS106
450Liste Internationale des Variétés de Vigne et de leurs SynonymesO.I.V.O.I.V., Paris1996COT CHERAGA12
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000COT DE CHERAGAS229
40154Genetic structure and differentiation among grapevines (Vitis vinifera) accessions from Maghreb regionRIAHI, L.; ZOGHLAMI, N.; EL-HEIT, K.; LAUCOU, V.; LE CUNFF, L.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; MLIKI, A.; GHORBEL, A.; THIS, P.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 57 (2) 225-272 2010COT DE CHERAGAS261
40181Molecular characterization of Moroccan grapevine germplasm using SSR Markers for the Establishment of a reference CollectionEL OUALKADI, A.; ATER, M.; MESSAOUDI, Z.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; THIS, P.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 43 (3) 135-1482009COT DE CHERAGAS139
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013COT DE CHERAGASSuppl.
40178Genetic origins of cultivated and wild grapevines from MoroccoZINELABIDINE, L.H.; HADDIOUI, A.; BRAVO, G.; ARROYO-GARCIA, R.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (1) 83-902010CHERRAGA84
863Pedigree analysis of the Spanish grapevine cultivar 'Heben'ZINELABIDINE, L. H.; CUNHA, J.; EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; IBANEZ, J.Vitis 54 (Special Issue) 81-86 2015COT DE CHERAGAS84
40673Genetic diversity of Moroccan grapes accessions conserved ex situ compared to Maghreb and European gene poolsEL OUALKADI, A.; ALTER, M.; MESSAOUDI, Z.; EL HEIT, K.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J. M.; LACOMBE, T.; THIS, PTree Genetics and Genomes 7 (6) 1287-1298 2011COT DE CHERAGASSuppl.
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015COT DE CHERAGAS350