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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-9 of 9 items.

    Prime name: GONGNIANG 1

    Variety number VIVC: 4894

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
35La vigne en ChineYIN, K.-L.; CHEN, C.-S.Le progrès agricole et viticole 102 (20) 471-4781985GONG LIANG478
307Grape Breeding in ChinaLUO, FANGMEI; ZHANG, FENGQINProceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Grape Breeding, St. Martin/Pfalz19891
690Genetic relationships of chinese grape accessions to european and american cultivars assessed by microsatellite markersGUO, D.L.; ZHANG, J.Y.; LIU, C.H.Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 24 (4) 2054-2059 2010GONGNIANG 12055
358Viticulture in ChinaHUIBAI, H.HortScience 15 (4) 461-4661980GONGNIANG 1464
40321Characterization of grape cultivars from China using microsatellite markersGUO, D.-L.; ZHANG, Q.; ZHANG, G.-H.Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 49 (4) 164-1702013GONGNIANG 1167
831Grape Varieties in ChinaLIU CHONGHUAI; MA XIAHOE; WU GANGChina Agriculture Press; 301 pp.2014GONGNIANG 1247
841Grapevine Breeding Programs for the Wine IndustryREYNOLDS, A. G.Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Nr. 2682015GONGNIANG 1290
1012Pedigree analysis of grape cultivars released in ChinaMENG JUXING; JIANG JIANFU; ZHANG GUOHAI; SUN HAISHENG; FAN XIUCAI; ZHANG YING; WU JIUYUN; LIU CHONGHUAIJournal of Fruit Science 34 (4) 393-409 2017GONGNIANG 1397
1518Oenological potential and health benefits of Chinese non-Vitis vinifera species: An opportunity to the revalorization and to breed new varietiesGUTIÉRREZ-GAMBOA, G.; LIU, SHU- YAN; SUN, XIANGYU; FANG, YULINFood Research International 137 (Art. 109443) 15 pp. 2020GONGNIANG 16