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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-16 of 16 items.

    Prime name: GANZIN 2

    Variety number VIVC: 4394

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
26Der Weinbau mit AmerikanerrebenDÜMMLER, A.Badische Rebenveredelungsanstalt Durlach1922164
29Les Vignes Américaines. Porte-greffes et Producteurs-directsRAVAZ, L.Coulet et Fils, Montpellier; Masson et Cie., Paris1902269
17Ampelografia Republicii Populare Romine, Vol. 8CONSTANTINESCU, G.; MIHALCA, G.; LAZARESCU, V.; BOUREANU, C.; ALEXEI, O.; BANITA, P.Academia Republicii Populare Romine1967Vol. 2, p. 583
62Manuel Pratique de Viticulture pour la Reconstitution des Vignobles MéridionauxFOEX, G.Goulet, Montpellier188946
264Weinbau-LexikonMUELLER, K.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin193043
334Cépages et Vignobles de France. Les vignes américaines, Tome 1, 2e éditionGALET, P.Charles Dehan, Montpellier1988311, 519
78Rootstocks for Grape-vinesPONGRACZ, D.P.David Philip Publisher, Johannesburg-London1983ARAMON X RUPESTRIS GANZIN NR. 2116
10547Aramon x Rupestris Ganzin 1 und Aramon x Rupestris Ganzin 2ARCHER, E.Wynboer Tegnies (9) 13-141984ARAMON RUPESTRIS GANZIN NR. 213
1075AmpelographiaSTAVRAKAS, D. E.Ekdoseis Ziti, Peraia, Thessaloniki - 2. Edition2010A.R.G. 2185
40044Identifying grape rootstocks with simple sequence repeat (SSR) DNA markersLIN, H.; WALKER, M.A.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 49 (4) 403-4071998AXR 2
839Ampelografia: descrizione delle migliori varietà di viti per uve da vino, uve da tavola, porta-innesti e produttori diretti, Volume 1 e Volume 2MOLON, G.Ulrico Hoepli, Milano 1906, Reprint NABU Press 20112011ARAMON X RUPESTRIS GANZIN N. 2362
40833Grapevine Non-vinifera Genetic Diversity Assessed by Simple Sequence Repeat Markers as a Starting Point for New Rootstock Breeding ProgramsMIGLIARO, D.; DE LORENZIS, G.; DI LORENZO, G. S.; DE NARDI, B.; GARDIMAN, M.; FAILLA, O.; BRANCADORO, L.; CRESPAN, M.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 70 (4) 390-397 2019GANZIN 2Suppl.
40902Genetic diversity and parentage analysis of grape rootstocksRIAZ, S.; PAP, D.; URETSKY, J.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J. M.; KOCSIS, L.; WALKER, M. A.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 132 (6) 1847-1860 2019AXR 2Suppl.
1354Testing phylloxera-resistant grape stocks in in the Vinifera Regions of the United StatesHUSMANN, G. C.Government Printing Office, Washington1930ARAMON X RUPESTRIS GANZIN 225
1372Pépinières Richter, Montpellier (France)ANONYMOUSÉtablissement de Viticulture - fondé en 1882. Extrait du Catalogue Général illustré. Imprimerie Emmanuel Montane, MontpellierARAMON RUPESTRIS GANZIN NR. 29
40482BÖLN-Projekt: Weiterentwicklung von Wissenstransfer- und Informationssystemen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung rebengenetischer RessourcenRÖCKEL, F.; MAUL, E.; TÖPFER, R.in preparation2014-2016GANZIN 2Suppl.