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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

    Prime name: CIANORIE

    Variety number VIVC: 2644

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
456Dalle colline spilimberghesi nuove vitie nuovi viniBULFON; FORTI; ZULIANIComitato Iniziative Agricole, Fiera di Pordenone1987CIANORIE57
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000CIANORIA204
40211Recognition and genotyping of minor germplasm of Friuli Venezia Giulia revealed high diversityCRESPAN, M.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S.; PETRUSSI, S.; DEL ZAN, F.; SIVILOTTI, P.Vitis 50 (1) 21-282011CJANORIE25
760Wine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉPenguin Books Ltd.2012CIANORIE243
789Le viti dimenticate. Un patrimonio riscoperto in Friuli Venezia GiuliaSIVILOTTI, P.; PETRUSSI, C.; STOCCO, M.ERSA, Gorizia. 167 p.2013CJANORIE85
40395CjanorieGIUST, M.; SIVILOTTI, P.; MIGLIARO, D.; STOCCO, M.; CRESPAN, M.Italian Vitis Database2015CJANORIE1
40483Registro nazionale delle varietà di vitePECILE, M.; ZAVAGLIA, C.; CIARDI, A.Centro di Ricerca per la Viticoltura (CRA-VIT) Conegliano2015CJANORIESuppl.
568La Vite e l'Uomo, dal Rompicapo delle Origini al Salvataggio delle ReliquieDEL ZAN, F.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.Editoriale Lloyd - San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste2004CIANORIE787, fig.
40164Molecular characterization of the autochthonous grape cultivars of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia - North-Eastern ItalyCIPRIANI, G.; MARRAZZO, M.T.; PETERLUNGER, E.Vitis 49 (1) 29-38 2010REFOSCO 236
1004Native Wine Grapes of ItalyD'AGATA, I.University of California Press2014CJANORIE252
842Uve da VinoMARZOTTO, N.Vicenza, Bd. 1 und Bd. 21925CIANORIAVol. 1, p. 79
40856Unraveling the genetic origin of ‘Glera’, ‘Ribolla Gialla’ and other autochthonous grapevine varieties from Friuli Venezia Giulia (northeastern Italy)CRESPAN, M.; MIGLIARO, D.; LARGER, S.; PINDO, M.; PETRUSSI, C.; STOCCO, M.; RUSJAN, D.; SIVILOTTI, P.; VELASCO, R.; MAUL, E.Scientific Reports 10 (7206) 2020CJANORIE
1248The Grape Varieties and Wines of Friuli Venezia GiuliaD'AGATA, I.Revista di cultura del territorio, Tiere Furlane 22, 32-522015CJANORIE48
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021CJANORIESuppl.
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015CIANORIA320