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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

    Prime name: ARTABAN

    Variety number VIVC: 25804

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
826Pl@ntGrape, Catalogue of Vines Cultivated in France, IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, Montpellier, 2009-2024LACOMBE, THIERRY; SERENO, CHRISTOPHE; MARCHAL, CÉCILEIFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, MontpellierARTABANfig.
40828A 'Regent' pedigree update: ancestors, offspring and their confirmed resistance lociRÖCKEL, F.; TRAPP, O.; ZYPRIAN, E.; HAUSMANN, L.; MIGLIARO, D.; VEZZULLI, S.; TÖPFER, R.; MAUL, E.Vitis 60 (4) 189-193 2021ARTABANSuppl.
20085OSCAR, a national observatory to support the durable deployment of disease-resistant grapevine cultivarsGUIMIER, S.; DELMOTTE, F.; MICLOT, A. S.; FABRE, F.; MAZET, I.; COUTURE, C.; SCHNEIDER, C.; DELIERE, L.Acta Horticulturae (1248) 21-33 2019ARTABAN21
1399New grapevine varieties CatalogueTÖPFER, R.Julius Kühn Institute, Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof 2022ARTABAN26
1408INRA-ResDur: the French grapevine breeding programme for durable resistance to downy and powdery mildewSCHNEIDER, C.; ONIMUS, C.; PRADO, E.; DUMAS, V.; WIEDEMANN-MERDINOGLU, S.; DORNE, M. A.; LACOMBE, M. C.; PIRON, M. C.; UMAR-FARUK, A.; DUCHENE, E.; MESTRE, P.; MERDINOGLU, D.Acta Horticulturae (1248) 207-213 2019ARTABAN207
1425Programme de collaboration franco-suisse pour la création de nouvelles variétés de vigne durablement résistantes au mildiou et à l'oïdiumSCHNEIDER, C.; SPRING, J. L.; ONIMUS, C.; PRADO, E.; VERDENAL, T.; LEMARQUIS, G.; LORENZINI, F.; LEY, L.; DURUZ, P.; GINDRO, K.; MERDINOGLU, D.BIO Web of Conferences 15 (Art. 01018) 7 pp. 2019ARTABAN4
1450Piwi-Pedia: Piwi Sorten von A - Z (Teile 1 - 3)BECKER, A.Das Deutsche Weinmagazin (1/2) 26-30, (3) 26-29, (5) 22-252023ARTABAN27