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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

    Prime name: TETA DE VACA TINTA

    Variety number VIVC: 24711

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
40167Anthocyanin profile of Spanish Vitis vinifera L. red grape varieties in danger of extinctionGOMEZ-ALONSO, S.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ ,M.; MENA, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; GARCIA-ROMERO, E.Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 13 (3) 150-156 2007TETA DE VACA TINTA152
40320Recovery, identification and relationships by microsatellite analysis of ancient grapevine cultivars from Castilla-La Mancha: the largest wine groving region in the worldMENA, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61 (3) 625-637 2014NG07-TETA DE VACA TINTASuppl.
40170Genetic characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultvars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) using microsatellite markersFERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.; MENA, A.; IZQUIERDO, P.; MARTINEZ, J.Vitis 46 (3) 126-130 2007TETA DE VACA (36)128
40507Recuperación, Caracterización y Conservación de Variedades de Vid (Vitis vinifera L.) minoritarias de Castilla-la ManchaMENA MORALES, A.Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquimica, Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales, Toledo, Tesis Doctoral2013NG07-TETA DE VACA TINTA218
1083Extended diversity analysis of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K genome-wide SNPsLAUCOU, V.; LAUNAY, A.; BACILIERI, R.; LACOMBE, T.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; BERARD, A.; CHAUVEAU, A.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; HAUSMANN, L.; IBANEZ, J.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; MAGHRADZE, D.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; MAUL, E.; PONNAIAH, M.; TÖPFER, R.; PEROS, J. P.; BOURSIQUOTPLoS one, 13 (2) e0192540 1-27 2018TETA DE VACA (SPAIN)Suppl.
40504IVICAM. Castilla-La ManchaANONYMOUSInstituto Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario y Forestal de Castilla-La Mancha (IRIAF)2016TETA DE VACA TINTA
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021TETA DE VACA TINTASuppl.