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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 101-200 of 277 items.


    Variety number VIVC: 1929

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
30021Vines and wines of ChileHERNANDEZ, A.Connaissance de la vigne et du vin (Talence) (14) 65-72198069
40142Characterization of grapevine accessions from Ukraine using microsatellite markersHEUERTZ, M.; GORYSLAVETS, S.; HAUSMAN, J. F.; RISOVANNA, V.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 59 (2) 169-1782008CABERNET SAUVIGNON172
586Geisenheimer Rebsorten und KloneSCHMID, J.; MANTY, F.; LINDNER, B.Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim, Fachgebiet Rebenzüchtung und Rebenveredlung2009CABERNET SAUVIGNON78, fig.
577Catalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en France 2ème éditionANONYMOUSInstitut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin (ENTAV-ITV)2007CABERNET SAUVIGNON80, fig.
40145Parentage of Merlot and related winegrape cultivars of southwestern France: Discovery of the missing linkBOURSIQUOT, J. M.; LACOMBE, T.; LAUCOU, V.; JULLIARD, S.; PERRIN, F. X.; LANIER, N.; LEGRAND, D.; MEREDITH, C.; THIS, P.Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, Australia 15 (2) 144-155 2009CABERNET SAUVIGNON146
3288 Szines Oldal a SzölöfajtákrólCSEPREGI, P.; ZILAI, J.Mezögazdásagi Kiadó, Budapest1980CABERNET SAUVIGNON59
40110Genotyping of Bulgarian Vitis vinifera L. cultivars by microsatellite analysisHVARLEVA, T.; RUSANOV, K.; LEFORT, F.; TSVETKOV, I.; TANASSOV, A.; ATANASSOV, I.Vitis 43 (1) 27-342004CABERNET SAUVIGNON CL. R531
40119Genotyping Vitis vinifera L. cultivars of Cyprus by microsatellite analysisHVARLEVA, T.; HADJINICOLI, A.; ATANASSOV, I.; ATANASSOV, A.; IOANNOU, N.Vitis 44 (2) 93-97 2005CABERNET SAUVIGNON CL. R595
40111Practical use of microsatellite markers to manage Vitis vinifera germplasm: Molecular identification of grapevine samples collected blindly in D.O. "El Bierzo" (Spain)NUNEZ, Y.; FRESNO, J.; TORRES, V.; PONZ, F.; GALLEGO, F.J.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 79 (3) 437-4402004CABERNET SAUVIGNON439
40149Molecular identification and genetic relationships of Algerian grapevine cultivars maintained at the germplasm collection of Skikda (Algeria)LAIADI, Z.; BENTCHIKOU, M.M.; BRAVO, G.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.Vitis 48 (1) 25-32 2009CABERNET SAUVIGNON27
595Encyklopedie Révy VinnéPAVLOUSEK, P.Computer Press, Brno, Czech Republik2008CABERNET SAUVIGNON134
40169Identification and molecular biodiversity of autochthonous grapevine cultivars in the 'Comarca del Bierzo', León, SpainGONZALEZ-ANDRES, F.; MARTIN, J.P.; YUSTE, J.; RUBIO, J.A.; ARRANZ, C.; ORTIZ, J.M.Vitis 46 (2) 71-76 2007CABERNET SAUVIGNON72
40170Genetic characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultvars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) using microsatellite markersFERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.; MENA, A.; IZQUIERDO, P.; MARTINEZ, J.Vitis 46 (3) 126-130 2007CABERNET SAUVIGNON128
40173Genetic profiling of nine grapevine cultivars from Romania, based on SSR markersGHETEA, L.G.; MOTOC, R.M.; POPESCU, C.F.; BARBACAR, N.; IANCU, D.; CONSTANTINESCA, C.; BARBARII, L.E.Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15 (1 Suppl) 116-1242010CABERNET SAUVIGNON120
40176Genetic structure, origins, and relationships of grapevine cultivars from the Castilian Plateau of SpainSANTANA, C.J.; HEUERTZ, M.; ARRANZ, C.; RUBIO, J.A.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.; HIDALGO, E.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (2) 214-2242010CABERNET SAUVIGNON218, 221; Suppl.
598Zugelassene Rebsorten für den Weinbau in RusslandTROSHIN, L. P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P. P.Staatliche Agraruniversität, Bezirk Kuban, Krasnodar2005KABERNE SOVINON94
40183The SSR-based molecular profile of 1005 grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) accessions uncovers new synonymy and parentages, and reveals a large admixture amongst varieties of different geographic originCIPRIANI, G.; SPADOTTO, A.; JURMAN, I.; GASPERO, G. DI; CRESPAN, M.; MENEGHETTI, S.; FRARE, E.; VIGNANI, R.; CRESTI, M.; MORGANTE, M.; PEZZOTTI, M.; PE, E.; POLICRITI, A.; TESTOLIN, R.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121 (8) 1569-1585 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON1578, Suppl.
40055Microsatellite markers for grapevine: A state of the artSEFC, K.M.; LEFORT, F.; GRANDO, M.S.; SCOTT, K.D.; STEINKELLER, H.; THOMAS, M.R.Molecular Biology & Biotechnology of the Grapevine, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 433-4622001CABERNET SAUVIGNON447
40185"Vitouska" is the progeny of "Prosecco tondo" and "Malvasia bianca lunga"CRESPAN, M.; CRESPAN, G.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S. COSTACURTA, A.Vitis 46 (4) 192-1942007CABERNET SAUVIGNON193
40187Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) originated from Negroamaro and Malvasia bianca lungaCRESPAN, M.; COLETTA, A.; CRUPI, P.; GIANNETTO, S.; ANTONACCI, D.Vitis 47 (4) 205-212 2008CABERNET SAUVIGNON207
40191Autochthonous Croatian grapevine cultivar 'Jarbola' - molecular, morphological and oenological characterizationSLADONJA, B.; POLJUHA, D.; PLAVSA, T.; PERSURIC, D.; CRESPAN, M.Vitis 46 (2) 99-1002007CABERNET SAUVIGNON100
40198A parentage study of closely related Ukrainian wine grape varieties using microsatellite markersGORYSLAVETS, S.; RISOVANNA, V.; BACILIERI, R.; HAUSMANN, J.-F.; HEUERTZ, M.Cytology and Genetics 44 (2) 95-1022010CABERNET SAUVIGNON97
611Azerbaycanin aborigen ve introduksiya olunmus uezuem sortlariPENAHOV, T. M.; SELIMOV, V. S.Baki2008KABERNE SOVINON179
40210Microsatellite database of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars used for wine production in PortugalVELOSO, M.M.; ALMANDANIM, M.C.; BALEIRAS-COUTO, M.; PEREIRA, H.S.; CARNEIRO, L.C.; FEVEREIRO, P.; EIRAS-DIAS, J.Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 25 (2) 53-612010CABERNET SAUVIGNON55
40203Evaluation of genetic diversity: Which of the varieties can be named Rebula (Vitis vinifera L.)?RUSJAN, D.; JUG, T.; STAJNER, N.Vitis 49 (4) 189-192 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON191
40204Gene pool variation and phylogenetic relationships of an indigenous northeast Italian grapevine collection revealed by nuclear and chloroplast SSRsSALMASO, M.; VALLE, R.D.; LUCCHIN, M.Genome 51 (10) 838-855 2008CABERNET SAUVIGNON842
274Synonymie ampélographique de l'ouest viticole francaisARTOZUL, J.-P.; BAUDEL, J.; BISSON, J.; DURQUETY, M.; GUILLOT, R.; LAGARD; LEVADOUXINRA, Paris1960CABERNET SAUVIGNON22
40222Genetic diversity and geographical dispersal in grapevine clones revealed by microsatellite markersMONCADA, X.; PELSY, F.; MERDINOGLU, D.; HINRICHSEN, P.Genome 49 (11) 1459-1472 2006CABERNET SAUVIGNON1463
40226Isoenzyme and microsatellite analysis of Vitis vinifera L. varieties from the Hungarian grape germplasmJAHNKE, G.; MAJER, J.; LAKATOS, A.; GYOERFFYNE MOLNAR, J.; DEAK, E.; STEFANOVITS-BANYAI, E.; VARGA, P.Scientia Horticulturae, The Netherlands 120 (2) 213-221 2009CABERNET SAUVIGNON216
40236Clones identification and genetic characterization of Garnacha grapevine by means of different PCR-derived marker systemsMENEGHETTI, S.; COSTACURTA, A.; FRARE, E.; ROLD, G. DA; MIGLIARO, D.; MORREALE, G.; CRESPAN, M.; SOTES, V.; CALO, A.Molecular Biotechnology 48 (3) 244-254 2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON249
40229Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markersBOZ, Y.; BAKIR, M.; CELIKKOL, B. P.; KAZAN, K.; YILMAZ, F.; CAKIR, B.; ASLANTAS, S.; SOEYLEMEZOGLU, G.; YASASIN, A. S.; OEZER, C.; CELIK, H.; ERGUEL, A.Vitis 50 (3) 99-1062011CABERNET SAUVIGNON103
40230Genetic characterization of old Slovenian grapevine varieties of Vitis vinifera L. by microsatellite genotypingSTAJNER, N.; RUSJAN, D.; KOROSEC-KORUZA, Z.; JAVORNIK, B.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 62 (2) 250-255 2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON251
40231Microsatellite characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genetic diversity in Asturias (Northern Spain)MORENO-SANZ, P.; LOUREIRO, M. D.; SUAREZ, B.Scientia Horticulturae 129 (3) 433-440 2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON437
40127Patrones genéticos de los cultivares de vides de vinificación más comúnmente usados en Chile basados en marcadores de microsatélitesNARVAEZ, C.; CASTRO, M. H.; VALENZUELA, J.; HINRICHSEN, PAgricultura Técnica 61 (3) 249-2612001CABERNET SAUVIGNON253
40010Erkenntnisse über unsere Rebsorten mittels genetischer AnalyseREGNER, F.Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch (50) 83-881999CABERNET SAUVIGNON86
651Österreichische Qualitätsweinsorten und deren Klone - Verzeichnis der österreichischen Qualitätsweinrebsorten und deren KloneANONYMOUSLehr- und Forschungszentrum für Wein- und Obstbau Klosterneuburg2008CABERNET SAUVIGNON
562Sorta vinograda yuga rossii (Russ.)TROSHIN, L.P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P.P.; MISLIVSKIJ, A.I.Kubanskii gosudarstvennyi Agrarnyi Universitet, Krasnodar2001KABERNE SOVINON39
40251Ampelography - an old technique with future uses: the case of minor varieties of Vitis vinifera L. from the Balearic IslandsGARCIA-MUNOZ, S.; MUNOZ-ORGANERO, G.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; CABELLO, F.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 45 (3) 125-1372011CABERNET SAUVIGNON127
40252Study of table grapes polimorphysm and genetic characterization of mustsTRIFAN, D. S.University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Ph:D school faculty of Horticulture2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON39
662Soiuri de Vita de Vie Pentru Struguri de VinROTARU, L.Editura "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" 284 p.2009CABERNET SAUVIGNON202
40039Genetic structure and differentiation in cultivated grape, Vitis vinifera L.ARADHYA, K.M.; DANGL, G.S.; PRINS, B.H.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; WALKER, M.A.; MEREDITH, C.; SIMON, C.J.Genetical Research 81 (3) 179-192 2003CABERNET SAUVIGNONSuppl.
40181Molecular characterization of Moroccan grapevine germplasm using SSR Markers for the Establishment of a reference CollectionEL OUALKADI, A.; ATER, M.; MESSAOUDI, Z.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; THIS, P.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 43 (3) 135-1482009CABERNET SAUVIGNON140
661Variedades de vid de AsturiasLOUREIRO RODRIGUEZ, D.; MORENO SANZ, P.; SUAREZ VALLES, B.Gobierno de Espana, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON78
668Manuali i vreshtaritVOCI, F.; MARKU, S.; GJETA, Z.MADA Mountain Area Development Agency, Tirane2008KABERNET SUVINJON49
40257Analysis of grape rootstocks by SSR markersJAHNKE, G.; KOCSISNE MOLNAR, G.; MAJER, J.; SZÖKE, B.; TARCZAL, E.; VARGA, P.; KOCSIS, L.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 45 (4) 199-2102011CABERNET SAUVIGNON203
675Ampelografski AtlasMIROSEVIC, N.; TURKOVIC, Z.Golden marketing - Tehnicka knjiga, Zagreb2003CABERNET SAUVIGNON CRNI240, fig.
683Szölöfajták, szaporitóanyaguk és betegségeikHAJDU, E.Agroinform Kiado es Nyomda Kft2011CABERNET SAUVIGNON76, fig.
690Genetic relationships of chinese grape accessions to european and american cultivars assessed by microsatellite markersGUO, D.L.; ZHANG, J.Y.; LIU, C.H.Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 24 (4) 2054-2059 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON2055
40268Identification of synonyms and homonyms in grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) from Asturias (Spain)MORENO-SANZ, P.; SUAREZ, B.; LOUREIRO, M.D.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 83 (6) 683-6882008CABERNET SAUVIGNON685
40266Identification of new synonymies in minority grapevine cultivars from Galicia (Spain) using microsatellite analysisVILANOVA, M.; FUENTE, DE LA, M.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ; M.; MASA, A.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 60 (2) 236-2402009CABERNET SAUVIGNON237
40267Molecular contribution to the knowledge of two ancient varietal populations: 'Rabosi' and 'Glere'CRESPAN, M.; CANCELLIER, S.; CHIES, R.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S.; COSTACURTA, A.Acta Horticulturae (827) 217-2202009CABERNET SAUVIGNON220
40269Preservation and molecular characterization of ancient varieties in Spanish grapevine germplasm collectionsBUHNER-ZAHARIEVA, T.; MOUSSAOUI, S.; LORENTE, M.; ANDREU, J.; NUNEZ, R.; ORTIZ, J. M.; GOGORCENA, Y.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (4) 557-562 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON560
40270Identification and relationships of grapevine cultivars authorized for cultivation in Castilla La Mancha (Spain)FERNANDEZ GONZALES, M.; MARTINEZ GASCUENA, J.; MORALES, A.M.American Society for Enology and Viticulture 63 (4) 564-567 2012CABERNET SAUVIGNONSuppl.
684Die Kreuzungseltern deutscher Rebenneuzüchtungen im Fokus - Was sagt der genetische Fingerabdruck?MAUL, E.; SCHUMANN, F.; HILL, B.H.E.; DOERNER, F.; BENNEK, H.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; ZYPRIAN, E.; EIBACH, R.; TOEPFER, R.Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch (64) 128-1422013CABERNET SAUVIGNON132
40288Genetic characterization and relationships of traditional grape cultivars from SerbiaBESLIC, Z.; TODIC, S.; KORAC, N.; LORENZI, S., EMANUELLI, F.; GRANDO, M.S.Vitis 51 (4) 183-189 2012CABERNET SAUVIGNON185
681Azerbaycan Respublikasi kend Teserruefati NazirliyiPENAHOV, T. M.; SELIMOV, V. S.; ZARI, E. M.Baki2010KABERNE SOVINON181
717Genetic diversity of a Brazilian wine grape germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic traitsSOUZA LEAO, P. C. DE; DAMIAO CRUZ, C.; MOTOIKE, S. Y.Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 32 (4) 1164-1172 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON1169
711Dictionnaire des Noms de Cépages de FranceREZEAU, P.CNRS Editions2008CABERNET SAUVIGNON65
749Szoeloefaitak, Grape-Varieties, RebsortenANONYMOUSHungarian Agricultural Centre (AMC)CABERNET SAUVIGNON11, 23
750Variedades de VID para Nuevos Vinos de AndalucíaGARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; PUERTAS, B.; LARA, M.Viticultura/Enologia Profesional (68) 5-142000CABERNET SAUVIGNON12
699Ministério da Agricultura, do Mar do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do TerritórioANONYMOUSDiario de Republica 1, 226 (22) 6712 - 67152012CABERNET SAUVIGNON6713
755Genotype identification and inference of genetic relatedness among different purpose grape varieties and rootstocks using microsatellite markersSINGH, A.; KUMAR, K.; GILL, M.I.S.; CHHUNEJA, P.; KUMAR, N.; SINGH, A.; SINGH, K.African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (2) 134-141 2013CABERNET SAUVIGNON136
761Die herkoms van wyndruifkultivarsORFFER, CHRIS; VISSER, CHARLESWineLand, Wynboer (8) 90-912009CABERNET SAUVIGNON90
40315Genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations in Spain and their genetic relationsships with cultivated grapevinesDE ANDRES, M.T.; BENIT, A.; PEREZ-RIVERA, G.; OCETE, R.; LOPEZ, M.A.; GAFORIO, L.; MUNOZ, G.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ ZAPATER, J.M.; ARROYO-GARCIA,R.Molecular Ecology 21 (4) 800-816 2012CABERNET SAUVIGNONSuppl.
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013CABERNET-SAUVIGNONSuppl.
767Rebsorten. Die wichtigsten in der Schweiz angebauten Rebsorten Ampelographisches GlossarDUPRAZ, P.; SPRING, J. L.AMTRA, Centre de Recherche Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON29
40317Discrimination of the grapevine cultivars Picolit and Keknyelü with molecular markersJAHNKE, G.; KORBULY, J.; MAJER, J.; GYOERFFYNE MOLNAR, J.Scientia Horticulturae 114 (1) 71-73 2007CABERNET SAUVIGNON73
40320Recovery, identification and relationships by microsatellite analysis of ancient grapevine cultivars from Castilla-La Mancha: the largest wine groving region in the worldMENA, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61 (3) 625-637 2014CABERNET SAUVIGNONSuppl.
760Wine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉPenguin Books Ltd.2012CABERNET SAUVIGNON160, fig.
40321Characterization of grape cultivars from China using microsatellite markersGUO, D.-L.; ZHANG, Q.; ZHANG, G.-H.Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 49 (4) 164-1702013CABERNET SAUVIGNON167
40323Genetic characterization of grape cultivars from Apulia (Southern Italy) and synonymies in other mediterranean regionsSCHNEIDER, A.; RAIMONDI, S.; PIROLO, C.S.; MARINONI, D.T.; RUFFA, P.; VENERITO, P.; LA NOTTE, P.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 65 (2) 244-2492014CABERNET SAUVIGNON246
794Caracterización de variedades de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de la provincia de HuescaCASANOVA GASCON, J.Universidad de Zaragoza; Departamento de Agricultura y Economia Agraria (Thesis)2008CABAYE146
712La Vid en el Occidente del Principado de Asturias. Descripción Ampelográfica de las VariedadesMARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, M. C.; PEREZ FERNANDEZ, J. E.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)1999CABERNET65
40332Genetic variability and geographic typicality of Italian former Prosecco grape variety using PCR-derived molecular markersMENEGHETTI, S.; COSTACURTA, A.; BAVARESCO, L.; CALO', A.Molecular Biotechnology 56 (5) 408-420 2014CABERNET SAUVIGNON414
40326Molecular Characterisation of Romanian Grapevine Cultivars Using Nuclear Microsatellite MarkersHARTA, M.; PAMFIL, D.Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary 70 (1) 131-1362013CABERNET SAUVIGNON133, 252
40337SSR genotyping of wild grape species and grape cultivars of Vitis vinifera and V. vinifera x V. labruscaGOTO-YAMAMOTO, N.; AZUMA, A.; MITANI, N.; KOBAYASHI, S.Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 82 (2) 125-1302013CABERNET SAUVIGNON127
40274Chloroplast microsatellites markers to assess genetic diversity in wild and cultivated grapevines of IranDOULATY BANEH, H.; MOHAMMADI, S. A.; LABRA, M.; NAZEMIEH, A.; DE MATTIA, F.; MARDI, M.Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 (11) 1855-18592007CABERNET SAUVIGNON1857
40275Plastid DNA sequence diversity in a worldwide set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera)BERIDZE,T.; PIPIA, I.; BECK, J.; HSU, S.-C.; GAMKRELIDZE, M.; GOGNIASHVILI, M.; TABIDZE, V.; THIS, P.; BACILIERI, R.; GOTSIRIDZE, V.; GLONTI, M.; SCHAAL, B.Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 5 (1) 98-1032011CABERNET SAUVIGN.100
40282Chloroplast microsatellite markers to assess genetic diversity and origin of an endangered Italian grapevine collectionSALMASO, M.; VANNOZZI, A.; LUCCHINI, M.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61 (4) 551-556 2010CABERNET SAUVIGNON554
40340Genetic characterization and relatedness among autochthonous grapevine cultivars from Northeast Turkey by Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR)HIZARCI, Y.; ERCISLI, S.; YUKSEL, C.; ERGUL, A.Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 85 (2) 224 - 2282012CABERNET SAUVIGNON226
40327Differentiation and identification of grapevine accessions of Ukraine by means of molecular markersBOCHAROVA, V.; MULUKINA, N.; KOVALIOVA, I.; REGNER, F.; HACK, R.; CHEBOTAR, S.Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung 62 (4) 154-1602012CABERNET SAUVIGNON156
40333Detection of new genetic profiles and allelic variants in improperly classified grapevine accessionsGISMONDI, A.; IMPEI, S.; MARCO, G. DI; CRESPAN, M.; LEONARDI, D.; CANINI, A.Genome 57 (2) 111-118 2014CABERNET SAUVIGNON, ABBUOTO 110112
40346Characterization of Hokujun (Beichun) and Muscat Hamburg-Amurensis (MH-AM) by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) analysisGOTO-YAMAMOTO, N.; NUMATA, M.; FURUKAWA, J.Journal of ASEV Japan 24 (1) 4-82013CABERNET SAUVIGNON6
817Analysis of genetic structure of twelve Sicilian grapevine cultivarsBRANZANTI, E.; LORENZIS, G. DE; IMAZIO, S.; SCIENZA, A.; FAILLA, O.; BRANCADORO, L.Acta Horticulturae (1046) 677-6802014CABERNET SAUVIGNON680
827Etude historique, genetique et ampelographique des cepages Pyreneo AtlantiquesBORDENAVE, L.; LACOMBE, T.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSQUOT, J. M.Bulletin de l'OIV 80 (920-922) 553-5862007CABERNET SAUVIGNON564
826Pl@ntGrape, Catalogue of Vines Cultivated in France, IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, Montpellier, 2009-2024LACOMBE, THIERRY; SERENO, CHRISTOPHE; MARCHAL, CÉCILEIFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, MontpellierCABERNET SAUVIGNONfig.
40350Interspecific hybrid identification of Vitis aestivalis-derived 'Norton'-based populations using microsatellite markersADHIKARI, P.; CHEN, L. L.; CHEN, X.; SAPKOTA, S. D.; HWANG, C. F.Scientia Horticulturae 179 363-366 2014CABERNET SAUVIGNON365
40351Identity and genetic relatedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina grapevine germplasmTOMIC, L.; STAJNER, N.; JOVANOVIC-CVETKOVIC, T.; CVETKOVIC, M.; JAVORNIK, B.Scientia Horticulturae 143 122-126 2012CABERNET SAUVIGNONSuppl.
828Catálogo das Castas para Vinho Cultivadas em Portugal Vol. 1-2EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; FAUSTINO, R.; CLÍMACO, P.; FERNANDES, P.; CRUZ, A.; CUNHA, J.; VELOSO, M.; DE CASTRO, R.Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.2011/2013CABERNET SAUVIGNONVol. 1, p. 25
831Grape Varieties in ChinaLIU CHONGHUAI; MA XIAHOE; WU GANGChina Agriculture Press; 301 pp.2014CABERNET SAUVIGNON245
40342Assessment of Diversity in Grapevine Gene Pools from Romania and Republic of Moldova, Based on SSR Markers AnalysisGHETEA, L.G.; MOTIC, R.M.; POPESCU, C.F.; BARBACAR, N.; BARBARII, L.E.; CONSTANTINESCU, C.M.; IANCU, D.; BATRINU, T.; BIVOL, I.; BACA, I.; SAVIN, G.University of Bucharest (3) 44-60201250
433Verzeichnis der Weinsorten, die im Weinberge und der Rebschule des Stadtrath Thränhart in Naumburg an der Saale cultivirt werdenTRAENHART, A.Karl August Klaffenbach, Naumburg1844CARMENET11
840Ampelografia Universale Storica Illustrata. I Vitigni del MondoSCHNEIDER, A.; MAINARDI, G.; RAIMONDI, S.L'Artistica Editrice (Bd. 1-3)2012Vol. 1, p. 246
857Vinogradarstvo IstreVITOLOVIC, V.Biblioteka Arhiva za Poljoprivredne Nauke, 7 (15) 1-851960CABERNET SAUVIGNON36
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015CABERNET SAUVIGNON, EPICIER NOIR251, 415
885Genetic structure and diversity analysis in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars from Iran using SSR markersDOULATI-BANEH, H.; MOHAMMADI, S. A.; LABRA, M.Scientia Horticulturae 160 29-36 2013CABERNET SAUVIGNON30
40501Misión Biológica de Galicia - VARIEDADES EN LA COLECCIÓNMARTINEZ RODGRIGUEZ, M. C.Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC)2015CABERNET SAUVIGNON
40507Recuperación, Caracterización y Conservación de Variedades de Vid (Vitis vinifera L.) minoritarias de Castilla-la ManchaMENA MORALES, A.Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquimica, Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales, Toledo, Tesis Doctoral2013CABERNET SAUVIGNON215
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