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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 101-119 of 119 items.


    Variety number VIVC: 12350

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
40865Uncovering Northeast Portugal grapevine's varietal legacyAUGUSTO, D.; OLIVEIRA, A.A.; FALCO, V.; CASTRO, I.Vitis 58 (Special Issue) 89-93 2019TEMPRANILLO91
40086Characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars from northern Portugal using RADP and microsatellite markersPINTO-CARNIDE, O.; MARTIN, J.P.; LEAL, F.; CASTRO, I.; GUEDES-PINTO, H.; ORTIZ, J.M.Vitis 42 (1) 23-25 2003ARAGONEZ24
40693Molecular characterization of table grape varieties preserved in the Rancho de la Merced Grapevine Germplasm Bank (Spain)JIMENEZ-CANTIZANO, A.; GARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; ARROYO-GARCIA, R.Vitis 57 (3) 93-101 2018CHINCHILLANA95, Suppl.
40826Genotyping of Grapevine Varieties from Garfagnana (Northern Tuscany): Evidence of a Historical Center of DiversityD'ONOFRIO, C.; FAUSTO, C.; MATARESE, F.; MATERAZZI, A.; SCALABRELLI, G.; FIORANI, F.; POLI, I.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 67 (1) 120-126 2016TEMPRANILLOSuppl.
40844Variedades blancas minoritarias en Extremadura: Bastardo Blanco, Folgaçao, Hebén, Verdejo Serrano y Zurieles. Estudio ampelográfico. Caracterización físico-química del ciclo de maduración y de los vinos de la cosecha 2018VALDES, M. E.; GAMERO, E.; RIVERO, J.; CUMPLIDO, G.; CABELLO, F.; DE ANDRES, M. T.; MUNOZ, G.; MORENO, D.ATEVA, Evora; Portugal2019TEMPRANILLO146
40861Färberreben (Teinturiers) sowie rote Farbmutanten weißer Qualitätsrebsorten entstanden durch VvmybA-bedingte Mutationen am BeerenfarblokusRÖCKEL, F.Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Quedlinburg, Deutschland 2017TEMPRANILLOSuppl.
40864A 48 SNP set for grapevine cultivar identificationCABEZAS, J. A.; IBANEZ, J.; LIJAVETZKY, D.; VELEZ, D.; BRAVO, G.; RODRIGUEZ, V.; CARRENO, I.; JERMAKOW, A. M.; CARRENO, J.; RUIZ-GARCIA, L.; THOMAS, M. R.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.BMC Plant Biology 11 (153) 2011TEMPRANILLO TINTOSuppl.
1269Cultivares viticolas ArgentinasALCALDE, A. J.INTA, Mendoza, Argentina1989TEMPRANILLA116
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021TEMPRANILLOSuppl.
1289Manual de Consulta de Cultivares and Portainjertos de Vides para VinificaciónMORENO SIMUNOVIC, Y.; VALLARINO CASTRO, J.Universidad de Talca, Talca; Chile2011TEMPRANILLO33
40894Genetic structure and molecular diversity of Brazilian grapevine germplasm: Management and use in breeding programsLUCIANO DE OLIVEIRA, G.; PEREIRA DE SOUZA, A.; ANCELMO DE OLIVEIRA, F.; IMACULADA ZUCCHI, M.; MOURA DE SOUZA, L.; FERNANDES MOURA, M.PLOS ONE, October 15 2020TEMPRANILLO
40928SSR and SNP genetic profiling of Armenian grape cultivars gives insights into their identity and pedigree relationshipsNEBISH, A.; TELLO, J.; FERRADAS, Y.; AROUTIOUNIAN, R.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; IBANEZ, J.OENO One (4) 101-114 2021TEMPRANILLO TINTO101, Suppl.
40912Assessment of the uniformity and stability of grapevine cultivars using a set of microsatellite markersVELEZ, M. D.; IBANEZ, J.Euphytica 186 (2) 419-432 2012TEMPRANILLO422
40933Grapevine diversity and genetic relationships in northeast Portugal old vineyardsAUGUSTO, D.; IBANEZ, J.; PINTO-SINTRA, A. L.; FALCO, V.; LEAL, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. A.Plants 10 (12, Art. 2755) 24 pp 2021TEMPRANILLO6; Suppl.
40313Investigations into the origin of 'Norton' grape using SSR markersSTOVER, E.; ARADHYA, M.; YANG, J.; BAUTISTA, J.; DANGL, G.S.Proceedings Florida State Horticulture Society (122) 19- 242009TEMPRANILLO22
40934Genetic Characterization by SSR Markers of a Comprehensive Wine Grape Collection Conserved at Rancho de la Merced (Andalusia, Spain)CRETAZZO, E.; MORENO SANZ, P.; LORENZI, S.; BENITEZ, M. L.; VELASCO, L.; EMANUELLI, F.Plants 11 (8, Art. 1088) 19 pp 2022VALDEPENASSuppl.
1296Variedades de vid que se cultivan en la región de cuyoVEGA, J.; ALCALDE, A. J.; CINTA, W.INTA Buenos Aires1962TEMPRANILLA170, fig.
18Régistre Ampélographique International Vol. 1-5O.I.V.Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris1961-1972TEMPRANILLO DE RIOJA, NEGRA DE MADRIDVol. 2, Nr. 168, Vol. 5, Nr. 442
40829Identification and relationship of the autochthonous 'Rome' and 'Rome Tinto' grapevine cultivarsJIMENEZ-CANTIZANO, A.; AMORES-ARROCHA, A.; GUTIERREZ-ESCOBAR, R.; PALACIOS, V.Spanisch Journal of Agricultural Research 16 (4), Art. e07SC02, 8 pp. 2018TEMPRANILLO3