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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-100 of 136 items.

    Prime name: SYRAH

    Variety number VIVC: 11748

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
1Traité Général de Viticulture, Ampélographie, Vol. 1-7VIALA, P.; VERMOREL, V.Masson et Compagnie, Paris1905-1910SYRAHVol. 2, p. 70
4Cépages et Vignobles de France, Vol. 2GALET, P.Paul Déhan, Montpellier1957SYRAH1050
6Cépages et Vignobles de France, Vol. 4GALET, P.Paysan du Midi, Montpellier19643195
7Variétés de Raisins de Table, Vol. 1-3BRANAS, J.; TRUEL, P.Nouvelles Progrès Agricole Viticole, Montpellier1965Vol. 1, p. 301
8Principali Vitigni da Vino Coltivati in Italia, Vol. 1-5COSMO, I.Ministero dell’Agricoltura e Foreste, Roma1952-1966SYRAHVol. 2, Nr. 54
79Le Vignoble GirondinLAFFORGUE, G.Larmat, Paris1947176
96Wine Grape Cultivars in South AfricaORFFER, C.J.Human and Rousseau, Cape Town an Pretoria1979SHIRAZ90
100Cépages en RoussillonTORRES, P.; RAMONEDA, J.P.Bulletin Technique des Pyrénées Orientales, Perpignan, (108)1983150
120Handbuch der AmpelographieGOETHE, H.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin1887SIRAH125
123Atlas Ampélographique des Cépages cultivés en GrèceKOTINIS, C.Ministry of Agriculture, Athen1984523
178Orientation de l'EncépagementANONYMOUSMinistere de l'Agriculture, Paris, Institut des Vins de Consommation Courante196358
221Variétés de vigne en Tunisie - Office National de la Vigne, TunisSAMMOUD, S.; ASKRI, F.Bouslama, Tunis198745
132Enzyklopädie für Weinbau (russ.) 1-3TIMUSH, A.I.Kishinev Glaviaya Redaktsiya1986
264Weinbau-LexikonMUELLER, K.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin1930145
285Ecologia de la vid en la Republica ArgentinaZULUAGA, P.; ZULUAGA, E.M.; LUMELLI, J.; DE LA IGLESIA, F.J.Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias197147
299Reben, Trauben, Weine - Ein Führer durch die Rebsorten der WeltROBINSON, J.Hallwag Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart1987SYRAH87
319Banco de germoplasma de vid, en la comarca Lagunera: caracterizacion, utilizacion y conservacionTAMARGO, E.M.Cifap-Region, Lagunera-Inifap-Sarh, Mexico, Investigador del Progr. de Vitic.SHIRAZ17
328Comportaminento de variedades de vid universales en zona calida espanola. Ensayo internacional de ecologia viticolaGARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; BUSTILLO, J.M.INIA; Ministerio Agricultura; Pesca y Alimentacion; Offo; Madrid199112
336Cépages et Vignobles de France. L'Ampélographie Française, Tome 2, 2e éditionGALET, P.E. P. Dehan, Montpellier1990307
419VIII. Curso de Ampelografia. Cultivares viticolas cuyanasALCALDE, A.J.Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Mendoza45
421Wine-Grape Reference for North Carolina (Bulletin 480)CARROLL, D.E.; POLING, E.B.; GOLDY, R.G.North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh1991PETITE SIRAH11
341Tercera comunicacion sobre caracterizacion agronomica de variedades de Vitis vinifera L.HIDALGO, L.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion, Madrid199115
422Principaux cépages cultivés en SuisseANONYMOUSRevue suisse de Viticulture aboriculture horticulture, Vol.251992-199445
423Borszölöfajtak hatarozokulcsa (Ungarn)NEMETH, M.Mezögazdasagi Kiado, Budapest1966104
426La coleccion de vides del Rancho de la MercedGARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; LARA BENITEZ, M.Dirección General de Investigacion y Extensión Agraria198958
427Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineAMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1994SYRAH254, fig.
437Handbuch des Weinbaus und der Kellerwirtschaft (Sonderdruck)BABO, A. VON; MACH, E.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin1893SIRAH BLAU, SERINE181
438Handbuch des Weinbaus und der Kellerwirtschaft (4. Auflage)BABO, A. VON; MACH, E.Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey, Berlin1923SIRAH BLAU, SERINE102
440Der Weinkeller. Praktische Mittheilungen über Weinbau, Obst- und Trauben-Weinbereitung, Kellerwirtschaft und WeinhandelDOCHNAHL, F. J.; RAWALD, G.Christian Winter Verlag; Frankfurt a. M.1873SIRAC107
450Liste Internationale des Variétés de Vigne et de leurs SynonymesO.I.V.O.I.V., Paris1996SYRAH53
195Liste alphabétique des cépages et de leurs synonymes usuelsBOURSIQUOT, M.Manuscript198764
454Wine Grape Varieties of AustraliaKERRIDGE, G.; ANTCLIFF, A.CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia1996SHIRAZ145
451Catalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en FranceANONYMOUSENTAV, Domaine de l'Espiguette, 30240 Le Grau du Roi1995SYRAH245, fig.
460Database of grape genetic resources for 21-st century ampelographySHIRAISHI, M.; SHIRAISHI, S.Kyushu University, Fukuoka 811-23, Japan1997SYRAH90
452Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineAMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER-MÜNCH, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1998SYRAH242, fig.
464Précis d'Ampélographie PratiqueGALET, P.Imprimerie JF Impression, Saint Jean de Védas1998SYRAH191, fig.
479Taschenbuch der Rebsorten (11. Aufl.)HILLEBRAND, W.; LOTT, H.; PFAFF, F.Fachverlag Dr. Fraund GmbH, 55120 Mainz1997SYRAH390
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000SYRAH753
10358SyrahANONYMOUSAlles über Wein 4 (1) 82-831986
10489La Syrah dans le monde présentation des vignoblesTRUEL, P.Progrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (17) 363-3681992
40121Le Gouais, un cépage clé du patrimoine viticole EuropéenBOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; LACOMBE, T.; BOWERS, J.; MEREDITH, C.Bulletin de l'OIV 77 (875-876) 5-192004
40038A single pair of parents proposed for a group of grapevine varieties in northeastern FranceBOWERS, J.E.; SIRET, R.; MEREDITH, C.P.; THIS, P.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.Acta Horticulturae (528) 129-1322000
40000Microsatellite variability in grapevine cultivars from different European regions and evaluation of assignment testing to assess the geographic origin of cultivarsSEFC, K.M.; LOPES, M.S.; LEFORT, F.; BOTTA, R.; ROUBELAKIS-ANGELAKIS, K.A.; IBANEZ, J.; PEJIC, I.; WAGNER, H.W.; GLÖSSL, J.; STEINKELLNER, H.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100 (3-4) 498-505 2000SHIRAZSuppl.
40036DNA typing of grapevines: A universal methodology and database for describing cultivars and evaluating genetic relatednessTHOMAS, M.R.; CAIN, P.; SCOTT, N.S.Plant Molecular Biology 25 (6) 939-949 1994SHIRAZ944
40043The new tools of grapevine genetics (and: DNA typing of grape cultivars)MEREDITH, C.P.; REISCH, B.I.University of California, VIII 12-181997SYRAH
40049The identity and parentage of the variety known in California as Petite SirahMEREDITH, C.P.; BOWERS, J.E.; RIAZ, S.; HANDLEY, V.; BANDMAN, E.B.; DANGL, G.S.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 50 (3) 236-2421999SYRAH240
40082Analysis of grape Vitis vinifera L. DNA in must mixtures and experimental mixed wines using microsatellite markersSIRET, R.; GIGAUD, O.; ROSEC, J.P.; THIS, P.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (13) 3822-3827 2002SYRAH3824
40087Characterization of Iranian grapevine cultivars using microsatellite markersFATAHI, R.; EBADI, A.; BASSIL, N.; MEHLENBACHER, S.A.; ZAMANI, Z.Vitis 42 (4) 185-192 2003SHIRAZ186
510Vitigni d'ItaliaCALO, A.; SCIENZA, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MOLINA, M.Edagricole-Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.2001SYRAH724
524Nei patriarchi i segreti dei vitigni autoctoniFONTANA, M.Vignevini 34 (6) 118-1202007SIRICA119
222A practical ampelography. Grapevine identificationGALET, P.Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca and London197990
532Cépages du Sud-Quest - 2000 ans d'histoire. Mémoires d'un ampélographeLAVIGNAC, G.; AUDIOT, A.; BOISSIERE, P.; LETERNE, E.INRA Editions2001255
542La Colección de Variedades de vid de "El Encin" - Un recorrido por la Historia de la AmpelografiaCABELLO, F.; RODRIGUEZ-TORRES, I.; MUNOZ-ORGANERO, G.; RUBIO, C.; BENITO, A.; GARCIA-BENEYTEZ, S.Comunidad de Madrid2003179
543Variedades de vid - Registro de Variedades ComericalesCHOME FUSTER, P. M.; SOTES RUIZ, V.; BENAYAS Y SAINZ DE ROZAS, F.; CAYUELA GONZALEZ, M.; HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ, M.; CABELLO SAENZ DE SANTA MARIA, F.; ORTIZ MARCIDE, J.; RODRIGUEZ TORRES, I.; CHAVEZ RABANAL, JMinisterio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid2003254
557Establishment of a local map of AFLP markers around the powdery mildew resistance gene Run1 in grapevine and assessment of their usefulness for marker assisted selectionPAUQUET, J.; BOUQUET, A.; THIS, P.Theoretical and Applied Genetics (103) 1201-1210 20011207
568La Vite e l'Uomo, dal Rompicapo delle Origini al Salvataggio delle ReliquieDEL ZAN, F.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.Editoriale Lloyd - San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste2004SIRICA939, fig.
40124Development and characterization of a large set of microsatellite markers in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) suitable for multiplex PCRMERDINOGLU, D.; BUTTERLIN, G.; BEVILACQUA, L.; CHIQUET, V.; ADAM-BLONDON, A.F.; DECROOCQ, S.Molecular Breeding 15 (4) 349-366 2005SYRAH358
577Catalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en France 2ème éditionANONYMOUSInstitut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin (ENTAV-ITV)2007SYRAH304, fig.
40183The SSR-based molecular profile of 1005 grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) accessions uncovers new synonymy and parentages, and reveals a large admixture amongst varieties of different geographic originCIPRIANI, G.; SPADOTTO, A.; JURMAN, I.; GASPERO, G. DI; CRESPAN, M.; MENEGHETTI, S.; FRARE, E.; VIGNANI, R.; CRESTI, M.; MORGANTE, M.; PEZZOTTI, M.; PE, E.; POLICRITI, A.; TESTOLIN, R.Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121 (8) 1569-1585 2010SYRAH1578
40210Microsatellite database of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars used for wine production in PortugalVELOSO, M.M.; ALMANDANIM, M.C.; BALEIRAS-COUTO, M.; PEREIRA, H.S.; CARNEIRO, L.C.; FEVEREIRO, P.; EIRAS-DIAS, J.Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 25 (2) 53-612010SYRAH57
648Des cépages pour les vins rosésPOUZALGUES, N.Reussir Paysan du Midi (2) 5 Spécial IFV2011SYRAH5
651Österreichische Qualitätsweinsorten und deren Klone - Verzeichnis der österreichischen Qualitätsweinrebsorten und deren KloneANONYMOUSLehr- und Forschungszentrum für Wein- und Obstbau Klosterneuburg2008SYRAH
40253Determination of genetic relationships of Albarino and Loureira cultivars with the Caino group by microsatellitesDÍAZ-LOSADA, E.; TATO SALGADO, A.; RAMOS-CABRER, A. M.; PEREIRA-LORENZO, S.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 62 (3) 371-375 2011SYRAH372
40181Molecular characterization of Moroccan grapevine germplasm using SSR Markers for the Establishment of a reference CollectionEL OUALKADI, A.; ATER, M.; MESSAOUDI, Z.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; THIS, P.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 43 (3) 135-1482009SYRAH140
668Manuali i vreshtaritVOCI, F.; MARKU, S.; GJETA, Z.MADA Mountain Area Development Agency, Tirane2008GROSSE SYRAH53
675Ampelografski AtlasMIROSEVIC, N.; TURKOVIC, Z.Golden marketing - Tehnicka knjiga, Zagreb2003SYRAH202, fig.
40270Identification and relationships of grapevine cultivars authorized for cultivation in Castilla La Mancha (Spain)FERNANDEZ GONZALES, M.; MARTINEZ GASCUENA, J.; MORALES, A.M.American Society for Enology and Viticulture 63 (4) 564-567 2012SYRAHSuppl.
684Die Kreuzungseltern deutscher Rebenneuzüchtungen im Fokus - Was sagt der genetische Fingerabdruck?MAUL, E.; SCHUMANN, F.; HILL, B.H.E.; DOERNER, F.; BENNEK, H.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LACOMBE, T.; ZYPRIAN, E.; EIBACH, R.; TOEPFER, R.Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch (64) 128-1422013SYRAH132
755Genotype identification and inference of genetic relatedness among different purpose grape varieties and rootstocks using microsatellite markersSINGH, A.; KUMAR, K.; GILL, M.I.S.; CHHUNEJA, P.; KUMAR, N.; SINGH, A.; SINGH, K.African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (2) 134-141 2013SHIRAZ136
699Ministério da Agricultura, do Mar do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do TerritórioANONYMOUSDiario de Republica 1, 226 (22) 6712 - 67152012SYRAH6714
761Die herkoms van wyndruifkultivarsORFFER, CHRIS; VISSER, CHARLESWineLand, Wynboer (8) 90-912009SHIRAZ90
40315Genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations in Spain and their genetic relationsships with cultivated grapevinesDE ANDRES, M.T.; BENIT, A.; PEREZ-RIVERA, G.; OCETE, R.; LOPEZ, M.A.; GAFORIO, L.; MUNOZ, G.; CABELLO, F.; MARTINEZ ZAPATER, J.M.; ARROYO-GARCIA,R.Molecular Ecology 21 (4) 800-816 2012SYRAHSuppl.
767Rebsorten. Die wichtigsten in der Schweiz angebauten Rebsorten Ampelographisches GlossarDUPRAZ, P.; SPRING, J. L.AMTRA, Centre de Recherche Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW2010SYRAH124
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013SYRAHSuppl.
40318Characterization of the nearly extinct 'Albilla' cultivar from Galicia and its relationships with other Spanish 'Albillos'DIAZ-LOSADA, E.; CORTES-DIEGUEZ, S.; RODRIGUEZ-TORRES, I.; MIRAS-AVALOS, J.M.; ORRIOLS-FERNANDEZ, I.; PEREIRA-LORENZO, S.Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 47 (4) 261-268 2013SYRAH263
40320Recovery, identification and relationships by microsatellite analysis of ancient grapevine cultivars from Castilla-La Mancha: the largest wine groving region in the worldMENA, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61 (3) 625-637 2014SYRAHSuppl.
711Dictionnaire des Noms de Cépages de FranceREZEAU, P.CNRS Editions2008PETITE SYRAH228
40273Multiple origins of cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa) based on chloroplast DNA polymorphismsARROYO-GARCIA, R.; RUIZ-GARCIA, L.; BOLLING, L.; OCETE, R.; LOPEZ, M. A.; ARNOLD, C.; ERGUL, A.; SÖYLEMEZOGLU, G.; UZUN, H. I.; CABELLO, F.; IBANEZ, J.; ARADHYA, M.K.; ATANASSOV, A.; ATANASSOV, I.; BALINT, S.; CENIS, J. L.; COSTANTINI, L.; GORIS-LAVETS, S; GRANDO, M. S.; KLEIN, B. Y.;MCGOVERN, P. E.; MERDINOGLU, D.; PEJIC, I.; PELSY, F.; PRIMIKIRIOS, N.; RISOVANNAYA, V.; ROUBELAKIS-ANGELAKIS, K. A.; SNOUSSI, H.; SOTIRI, P.; TAMHANKAR, S.; THIS, P.;TROSHIN, L.; MALPICA, J. M.; LEFORT, F.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.Molecular Ecology (15) 3707-3714 2006SYRAHSuppl.
40275Plastid DNA sequence diversity in a worldwide set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera)BERIDZE,T.; PIPIA, I.; BECK, J.; HSU, S.-C.; GAMKRELIDZE, M.; GOGNIASHVILI, M.; TABIDZE, V.; THIS, P.; BACILIERI, R.; GOTSIRIDZE, V.; GLONTI, M.; SCHAAL, B.Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 5 (1) 98-1032011SYRAH100
40277The Portuguese Vitis vinifera L. germplasm: Genetic relations between wild and cultivated vinesCUNHA, J.; TEIXEIRA-SANTOS, M.; VELOSO, M.; CARNEIRO, L.; EIRAS-DIAS, J.; FEVEREIRO, P.Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola 25 (1) 25-372010SYRAH N36
40341Pedigree reconstruction of the Italian grapevine Aglianico (Vitis vinifera L.) from CampaniaDE LORENZIS, G.; IMAZIO, S.; BIAGINI, B.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.Molecular Biotechnology 54 (2) 634-642 2013SIRICA638
814Vignes & VinsANONYMOUSVignes & Vins1981-1984SYRAHNr. 38 (Cuve)
817Analysis of genetic structure of twelve Sicilian grapevine cultivarsBRANZANTI, E.; LORENZIS, G. DE; IMAZIO, S.; SCIENZA, A.; FAILLA, O.; BRANCADORO, L.Acta Horticulturae (1046) 677-6802014SYRAH680
40350Interspecific hybrid identification of Vitis aestivalis-derived 'Norton'-based populations using microsatellite markersADHIKARI, P.; CHEN, L. L.; CHEN, X.; SAPKOTA, S. D.; HWANG, C. F.Scientia Horticulturae 179 363-366 2014SYRAH365
826Pl@ntGrape, Catalogue of Vines Cultivated in France, IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, Montpellier, 2009-2024LACOMBE, THIERRY; SERENO, CHRISTOPHE; MARCHAL, CÉCILEIFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, MontpellierSYRAHfig.
828Catálogo das Castas para Vinho Cultivadas em Portugal Vol. 1-2EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; FAUSTINO, R.; CLÍMACO, P.; FERNANDES, P.; CRUZ, A.; CUNHA, J.; VELOSO, M.; DE CASTRO, R.Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.2011/2013SYRAHVol. 1, p. 112
840Ampelografia Universale Storica Illustrata. I Vitigni del MondoSCHNEIDER, A.; MAINARDI, G.; RAIMONDI, S.L'Artistica Editrice (Bd. 1-3)2012SYRAHVol. 1, p. 132
850Identification of grapevine accessions from Argentina introduced in the ampelographic collection of Domaine de VassalBOURSIQUOT, J. M.; LAUCOU, V.; LLORENTE, A.; LACOMBE, T.BIO Web of Conferences 3, 01019 2014BALSAMINA (MISNOMER)2
40507Recuperación, Caracterización y Conservación de Variedades de Vid (Vitis vinifera L.) minoritarias de Castilla-la ManchaMENA MORALES, A.Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquimica, Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales, Toledo, Tesis Doctoral2013SYRAH218
40483Registro nazionale delle varietà di vitePECILE, M.; ZAVAGLIA, C.; CIARDI, A.Centro di Ricerca per la Viticoltura (CRA-VIT) Conegliano2015SYRAHSuppl.
40664Identità e relazioni genetiche dei Vitigni autoctoni TrentiniGRANDO, S.; STEFANINI, M.; ZAMBANINI, J.; VOUILLAMOZ, J.Terra trentina 52 (8) 24-272006SYRAH25
669Vitigni d'Italia - Le varieta tradizionali per la produzione di vini moderniCALO, A.; SCIENZA, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MOLINA, M.; AGGIO, L.; GIUST, M.; CARRARO, R.Edagricole-Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.2006SYRAH798
50048Genetic analysis of downy mildew resistance derived from Muscadinia rotundifoliaMERDINOGLU, D.; WIEDEMANN-MERDINOGLU, S.; COSTE, P.; DUMAS, V.; HAETTY, S.; BUTTERLIN, G.; GREIF, C.Acta Horticulturae (603/I) 451-456 2003SYRAH452
924AmpelografiaROYCHEV, V.Academic Publishing Agricultural University2012SIRA316, Fig. 138
40240Swiss Vitis microsatellite databaseVOUILLAMOZ, J. F.; FREI, A.; ARNOLD, C.Acta Horticulturae (827) 477-4802009SYRAH476
40215Toward the authentication of varietal wines by the analysis of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) residual DNA in must and wine using microsatellite markersSIRET, R.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; MERLE, M.H.; CABANIS, J.C.; THIS, P.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 (10) 5035-5040 2000SYRAH5037
1075AmpelographiaSTAVRAKAS, D. E.Ekdoseis Ziti, Peraia, Thessaloniki - 2. Edition2010SYRAH496
1083Extended diversity analysis of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K genome-wide SNPsLAUCOU, V.; LAUNAY, A.; BACILIERI, R.; LACOMBE, T.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; BERARD, A.; CHAUVEAU, A.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; HAUSMANN, L.; IBANEZ, J.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; MAGHRADZE, D.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; MAUL, E.; PONNAIAH, M.; TÖPFER, R.; PEROS, J. P.; BOURSIQUOTPLoS one, 13 (2) e0192540 1-27 2018SYRAHSuppl.
40166Twenty microsatellites (SSRs) reveal two main origins of variability in grapevine cultivars from Northwestern SpainDIAZ LOSADA, E.; TATO SALGADO, A.; RAMOS-CABRER, A.M.; RIO SEGADE, S.; CORTES DIEGUEZ, S.; PEREIRA-LORENZO, S.Vitis 49 (2) 55-62 2010SYRAH58