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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-17 of 17 items.

    Prime name: RUDEZUSA

    Variety number VIVC: 10327

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Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
7Variétés de Raisins de Table, Vol. 1-3BRANAS, J.; TRUEL, P.Nouvelles Progrès Agricole Viticole, Montpellier1965RUDEZUSAVol. 1, p. 342
47Dalmatinska AmpelografijaBULIC, ST.Poljoprivredni Nakladni Zavod, Zagreb1949TRNJAK CRNI219
244Savremeno Gajenje Vinove Loze (Serb.)AVRAMOV, L.Nolit, Beograd1988TRNJAK CRNI462
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000RUDEZUSA CRNA, TRNJAK CRNI699; 801
40306Large-scale parentage analysis in an extended set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; LAUCOU, V.; DI VECCHI-STARAZ, M.; PEROS, J.P.; THIS, P.Theoretical Applied Genetics 126 (2) 401-414 2013RUDEZUSASuppl.
40308Western-Balkans Vitis Database; Grapevine Cultivars GenotypesSTAJNER, N.Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana2013DRENJAK, TRNJAK, TRNJAK KRUPNI1, 3
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015RUDEZUSA CRNA, TRNJAK CRNI968, 1103
865Ampelographic and genetic characterization of Croatian grapevine varietiesMALETIC, E.; PEJIC, I.; KAROGLAN KONTIC, J.; ZDUNIC, G.; PREINER, D.; SIMON, S.; ANDABAKA, Z.; ZULJ MIHALJEVIC, M.; BUBOLA, M.; MARKOVIC, Z.; STUPIC, D.; MUCALO, A.Vitis 54 (Special Issue) 93-98 2015TRNJAK CRNI96
923Green book: indigenous grapevine varieties of CroatiaMALETIC, E.; KONTIC, J. K.; ILIJAS, I.State Institute for Nature Protection2015TRNJAK298
1083Extended diversity analysis of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera with 10K genome-wide SNPsLAUCOU, V.; LAUNAY, A.; BACILIERI, R.; LACOMBE, T.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; BERARD, A.; CHAUVEAU, A.; ANDRES, M. T. DE; HAUSMANN, L.; IBANEZ, J.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; MAGHRADZE, D.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; MAUL, E.; PONNAIAH, M.; TÖPFER, R.; PEROS, J. P.; BOURSIQUOTPLoS one, 13 (2) e0192540 1-27 2018RUDEZUSASuppl.
40307Genetic characterization of grapevine cultivars collected throughout the Dalmation regionZDUNIC, G.; PREECE, J. E.; DANGL, G. S.; KOEHMSTEDT, A.; MUCALO, A.; MALETIC, E.; PEJIC, I.American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 64 (2) 285-290 2013RUDEZUSASuppl.
40351Identity and genetic relatedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina grapevine germplasmTOMIC, L.; STAJNER, N.; JOVANOVIC-CVETKOVIC, T.; CVETKOVIC, M.; JAVORNIK, B.Scientia Horticulturae 143 122-126 2012TRNJAK ISuppl.
40830Genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and power of a large grapevine (Vitis vinifera L) diversity panel newly designed for association studiesNICOLAS, S. D.; PEROS, J. P.; LACOMBE, T.; LAUNAY, A.; PASLIER, M. C. LE; BERARD, A.; MANGIN, B.; VALIERE, S.; MARTINS, F.; CUNFF, L. LE; LAUCOU, V.; BACILIERI, R.; DEREEPER, A.; CHATELET, P.; THIS, P.; DOLIGEZ, A.BMC Plant Biology 16 (74) 19 2016RUDEZUSASuppl.
40875Genetic diversity, population structure, and parentage analysis of Croatian grapevine germplasmZULJ MIHALJEVIC, M.; MALETIC, E.; PREINER, D.; ZDUNIC, G.; BUBOLA, M.; ZYPRIAN, E.; PEJIC, I.Genes 11, 737, 30 pp. 2020RUDEZUSASuppl.
40877Genetic structure and relationships among wild and cultivated grapevines from Central Europe and part of the western Balkan Peninsula.ZDUNIC, G.; LUKSIC, K.; NAGY, Z. A.; MUCALO, A.; TOMISLAV RADIC, K. H.; BUTORAC, L.; GYORFFYNE JAHNKE, G.; KISS, E.; LEDESMA-KRIST, G.; REGVAR, M.; LIKAR, M.; PILTAVER, A.; ZULJ MIHALJEVIC, M.; MALETIC, E.; PEJIC, I.; WERLING, M.; MAUL, E.Genes 11, 962, 15 pp. 2020RUDERUSASuppl.
40901Morphological and genetic characterization of vine grape cultivars of HerzegovinaKNEZOVIC, Z.; MANDIC, A.; PERIC, N.; BELJO, J.; ZULJ MIHALJEVIC, M.Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS) 3 (2) 1-9 2017TRNJAK4
1342Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire évolutive de la vigne cultivée (Vitis vinifera L.) par l'analyse de la diversité génétique neutre et de gènes d'intérêtLACOMBE, T.Montpellier SupAgro, Centre International d'Etudes Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques, Montpellier, France, 328 pp.2012RUDEZUSASuppl.