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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC

Bibliography in which the synonym was cited

Showing 1-17 of 17 items.
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Source codeAuthorTitleJournal title / publisherYearPage
749ANONYMOUSSzoeloefaitak, Grape-Varieties, RebsortenHungarian Agricultural Centre (AMC)9
1195ANONYMOUSRebschule Fr. Caspari, Mediasch, SiebenbürgenWerbeprospekt von Friedrich Caspari (geb. 1858, gest.1935)
550CINDRIC, P.; KORAC, N.; KOVAC, V.Sorte Vinove LozePrometej, Novi Sad2000227
32CSEPREGI, P.; ZILAI, J.88 Szines Oldal a SzölöfajtákrólMezögazdásagi Kiadó, Budapest198022
453FISCHLER, F.Commission Regulation Nr. 2543Offical Journal of the European Communities199728
40309GALBACS, Z.; MOLNAR, S.; HALASZ, G.; KOZMA, P.; HOFFMANN, S.; KOVACS, L.; VERES, A.; GALLI, Z.; SZOEKE, A.; HESZKY, L.; KISS, E.Identification of grapevine cultivars using microsatellite-based DNA barcodesVitis 48 (1) 17-24200919
768HAJDU, E.Magyar szölöfajták (ungarische Rebsorten)Mezögazda Kiadó201274
679HAJDU, E.Magyar szölöfajták (ungarische Rebsorten)Mezögazda Kiadó200354
40216HALASZ, G.; VERBS, A.; KOZMA, P.; KISS, E.; BALOGH, A.; GALLI, Z.; SZÖKE, A.; HOFFMANN, S.; HESZKY, L.Microsatellite fingerprinting of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties of the Carpathian BasinVitis 44 (4) 173-1802005176
40338HARANGOZO, T.; PERNESZ, G.; VERES, A.; TOTH-LENCSES, K.; HESZKY, L.; KISS, E.Assessment of morphological and molecular similarity of Hungarian white grape varietiesActa Biologica Hungarica 64 (2) 231-248
40226JAHNKE, G.; MAJER, J.; LAKATOS, A.; GYOERFFYNE MOLNAR, J.; DEAK, E.; STEFANOVITS-BANYAI, E.; VARGA, P.Isoenzyme and microsatellite analysis of Vitis vinifera L. varieties from the Hungarian grape germplasmScientia Horticulturae, The Netherlands 120 (2) 213-221
40218KISS, E.; KOZMA, P.; HALASZ, G.; VERES, A.; GALLI, Z.; SZOEKE, A.; HOFFMANN, S.; MOLNAR, S.; BALOGH, A.; HESZKY, L.Microsatellite based fingerprints and pedigree analysis of grapevine cultivars of Carpathian basin originInternational Grape Genomics Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, S.79-87200583
1228KOCSIS, M.; JAROMI, L.; PUTNOKY, P.; KOZMA, P.; BORHIDI, A.Genetic diversity among twelve grape cultivars indigenous to the Carpathian Basin revealed by RAPD markersVitis 44 (2) 87-91
939NEMETH, M.Ampelográfiai album - Termesztett borszolofajták 2Mezogazdasági, Budapest197051
423NEMETH, M.Borszölöfajtak hatarozokulcsa (Ungarn)Mezögazdasagi Kiado, Budapest1966230
595PAVLOUSEK, P.Encyklopedie Révy VinnéComputer Press, Brno, Czech Republik2008194
760ROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉWine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursPenguin Books Ltd.2012349