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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC

Bibliography in which the synonym was cited

Showing 1-22 of 22 items.
  1. Synonym: BOLGAR
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Source codeAuthorTitleJournal title / publisherYearPage
1269ALCALDE, A. J.Cultivares viticolas ArgentinasINTA, Mendoza, Argentina198950
427AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart199445, fig.
452AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER-MÜNCH, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart199855, fig.
547AVRAMOV, L.; ZUNIC, D.Posebno VinogradarstvoMEGRAF, Novi Beograd2001244
904CABELLO SAENZ DE SANTA MARIA, F.; ORTIZ MARCIDE, J.M.; MUNOZ ORGANERO, G.; RODRIGUEZ TORRES, I.; BENITO BARBA, A.; RUBIO DE MIGUEL, C.; GARCIA MUNOZ, S.; SAIZ SAIZ, R.Variedades de Vid en EspanaEditorial Agricola Española, S.A., Madrid2011379, fig.
550CINDRIC, P.; KORAC, N.; KOVAC, V.Sorte Vinove LozePrometej, Novi Sad2000338
11CONSTANTINESCU, G.; NEGREANU, E.; LAZARESCU, V.; POENARU, I.; ALEXEI, O.; BOUREANU, C.Ampelografia Republicii Populare Romine, Vol. 2Academia Republicii Populare Romine195933
568DEL ZAN, F.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.La Vite e l'Uomo, dal Rompicapo delle Origini al Salvataggio delle ReliquieEditoriale Lloyd - San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste2004398, fig.
40155DZHAMBAZOVA, T.; TSVETKOV, I.; ATANASSOV, I.; RUSANOV, K.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.; ATANASSOV, A.; HVARLEVA, T.Genetic diversity in native Bulgarian grapevine germplasm (Vitis vinifera L.) based on nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite polymorphismsVitis 48 (3) 115-1212009117
415DZHENEEV, S.YU.; SMIRNOV, K.V.The production of table grapes, raisins and seedless raisins (Russ.)Kolos, Moskva199229
336GALET, P.Cépages et Vignobles de France. L'Ampélographie Française, Tome 2, 2e éditionE. P. Dehan, Montpellier1990112
505GALET, P.Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesHachette2000247
358HUIBAI, H.Viticulture in ChinaHortScience 15 (4) 461-4661980463
40110HVARLEVA, T.; RUSANOV, K.; LEFORT, F.; TSVETKOV, I.; TANASSOV, A.; ATANASSOV, I.Genotyping of Bulgarian Vitis vinifera L. cultivars by microsatellite analysisVitis 43 (1) 27-34200431
826LACOMBE, THIERRY; SERENO, CHRISTOPHE; MARCHAL, CÉCILEPl@ntGrape, Catalogue of Vines Cultivated in France, IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, Montpellier, 2009-2024IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro, Montpellierfig.
924ROYCHEV, V.AmpelografiaAcademic Publishing Agricultural University2012203, Fig. 84
1077STAVRAKAKI, M.; STAVRAKAKIS, M. N.The Cretan GrapesTropi Publications, Athens; Greece2017152
665TARDEA, C.; ROTARU, L.Ampelografie, Vol. II. Soiurile de vita de vie pentru struguri de masa si soiurile apireneEditura "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" 246 p.2003151
1103TODOROV, I. D.The Inbreeding in grapevine selection (g. Vitis L.)Edition Infoprint 1-248200924
598TROSHIN, L. P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P. P.Zugelassene Rebsorten für den Weinbau in RusslandStaatliche Agraruniversität, Bezirk Kuban, Krasnodar200530
653TROSHIN, L. P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P. P.Vinograd Illyustrirovannyi KatalogPhönix, Rostow am Don201020
562TROSHIN, L.P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P.P.; MISLIVSKIJ, A.I.Sorta vinograda yuga rossii (Russ.)Kubanskii gosudarstvennyi Agrarnyi Universitet, Krasnodar200141