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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-100 of 114 items.

    Year: 2011

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AuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisher
ALBA, V.; ANACLERIO, A.; GASPARRO, M.; CAPUTO, A. R.; MONTEMURRO, C.; BLANCO, A.; ANTONACCI, D.Ampelographic and molecular characterisation of Aglianico accessions (Vitis vinifera L.) collected in southern ItalySouth African Journal for Enology and Viticulture, Stellenbosch 32 (2) 164-173
ALEXANDROV, E.; GAINA, B.Particularités Morphologiques et Biochimiques des Raisins des Hybrides Interspécifiques de Vigne (V.vinifera L. X M. Rotundifolia Michx) de 4. Rétro-Croisement et de Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris Gmel.Progrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (20) 412-417
ANG ZHANG; YULIN FANG; XUAN LI; JIANGFEI MENG; HUA WANG; HUA LI; ZHENWEN ZHANG; ZHIJUN GUOOccurrence and estimation of trans-resveratrol in one-year-old canes from seven major Chinese grape producing regionsMolecules 16 (4) 2846-2861
ANONYMOUSA-2409 grape becomes parent to exotic 'Witch Fingers'International Fruit Genetics (IFG)
ANONYMOUSBundessortenamt "Neuzulassungen - Beschreibung der Merkmale und Eigenschaften" CalandroBundessortenamt
ANONYMOUSBundessortenamt "Neuzulassungen - Beschreibung der Merkmale und Eigenschaften" VillarisBundessortenamt
ANONYMOUSEmbrapa Grape & Wine - International RelationsBrazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazilian Grape & Wine Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
ANONYMOUSMuscadine Grape Breeding Programm - Information for Growing MuscadinesThe University of Georgia, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
ANONYMOUSNeuzulassungen - Beschreibung der Merkmale und EigenschaftenBundessortenamt
ARRANZ, C.; YUSTE, J.; ORTIZ, J. M.; MARTÍN, J. P.; HIDALGO, E.; SANTANA, J. C.; RUBIO, J. A.Localización e identificación de variedades minoritarias tintas y rojas de vid en 12 zonas vitivinícolas de Castilla y León (España)34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, Portugal, 20-28 June 2011
ATES, F.; COBAN, H.; KARA, Z.; SABIR, A.Ampelographic characterization of some grape cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L.) grown in south-western region of TurkeyBulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 17 (3) 314-324
BACON, T.; STRIEM, M.SugrathirtysixUnited States Plant Patent 22,078
BASLER, P.; SCHERZ, R.Piwi-Rebsorten. Pilzwiderstandsfähige RebsortenStutz Druck, Wädenswil
BERIDZE,T.; PIPIA, I.; BECK, J.; HSU, S.-C.; GAMKRELIDZE, M.; GOGNIASHVILI, M.; TABIDZE, V.; THIS, P.; BACILIERI, R.; GOTSIRIDZE, V.; GLONTI, M.; SCHAAL, B.Plastid DNA sequence diversity in a worldwide set of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera)Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 5 (1) 98-103
BLASI, P.; BLANC, S.; WIEDEMANN-MERDINOGLU, S.; PRADO, E.; RÜHL, E. H.; MESTRE, P.; MERDINOGLU, D.Construction of a reference linkage map of Vitis amurensis and genetic mapping of Rpv8, a locus conferring resistance to grapevine downy mildewTheoretical and Applied Genetics 123 (1) 43-53
BOIDRON, R.Le Pinot noir : De l'origine à nos joursProgrès Agricole et Viticole, Montpellier 128 (21) 432-443, (22) 462-476, (23) 497-512, (24) 522-530
BOUQUET, ALAINNemadex Alain BouquetINRA, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
BOZ, Y.; BAKIR, M.; CELIKKOL, B. P.; KAZAN, K.; YILMAZ, F.; CAKIR, B.; ASLANTAS, S.; SOEYLEMEZOGLU, G.; YASASIN, A. S.; OEZER, C.; CELIK, H.; ERGUEL, A.Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markersVitis 50 (3) 99-106
BÖHM, H.J.Rebsortenatlas Spanien und Portugal - Geschichte, Terroir und AmpelographieEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart
CABEZAS, J. A.; IBANEZ, J.; LIJAVETZKY, D.; VELEZ, D.; BRAVO, G.; RODRIGUEZ, V.; CARRENO, I.; JERMAKOW, A. M.; CARRENO, J.; RUIZ-GARCIA, L.; THOMAS, M. R.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.A 48 SNP set for grapevine cultivar identificationBMC Plant Biology 11 (153)
CAIN, D.W.IFG 68-175United States Plant Patent 21,664
CARBONNEAU, A.Cienna: une nouvelle variété australienne originale, parmi quelques autresProgrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (11) 237-238
CARBONNEAU, A.Le Furmint: un grand cépage Hongrois qui Mérite d'etre redécouvertProgrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (12) 259-260
CARBONNEAU, A.Le Sangiovese, élément de diversification des vins du Sud de la FranceProgrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (8) 139-140
CARBONNEAU, A.; OJEDA, H.; CARTOLARO, PH.; ESCUDIER, J.-L.Observations sur des génotypes resistants issus du programme d'amélioration génétique "Muscadina rotundifolia X (BC4-6) Vitis Vinifera" dans un essai de Vitiviniculture durable à l'INRA de pech rougeProgrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (4) 63-64
CARIMI, F.; MERCATI, F.; MICHELE, R. DE; FIORE, M. C.; RICCARDI, P.; SUNSERI, F.Intra-varietal genetic diversity of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar 'Nero d'Avola' as revealed by microsatellite markersGenetic Resources and Crop Evolution 58 (7) 967-975
CASANOVA, J.; MOZAS, P.; ORTIZ, J. M.Ampelography and microsatellite DNA analysis of autochthonous and endangered grapevine cultivars in the province of Huesca (Spain)Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (3) 790-800
CASTRO, I.; MARTIN, J. P.; ORTIZ, J. M.; PINTO-CARNIDE, O.Varietal discrimination and genetic relationships of Vitis vinifera L. cultivars from two major Controlled Appellation (DOC) regions in PortugalScientia Horticulturae 127 (4) 507-514
CHEN, JUN; TANG, XIAO-PING; MA, XIAO-HE, ZHAO, QI-FENG; DONG, ZHI-GANGAn excellent mid-ripening seedless new Grape Cultivar 'Lihongbao'Acta Horticulturae Sinica 38 (3) 595-596
CHO, K. H.; BAE, K. M.; NOH, J.H.; SHIN, IL S.; KIM, SE H.; KIM J. H.; KIM D.-Y.; HWANG H. S.Genetic diversity and identification of Korean grapevine cultivars using SSR markersKorean Journal of Breeding Science 43 (5) 422-429
CRESPAN, M.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S.; PETRUSSI, S.; DEL ZAN, F.; SIVILOTTI, P.Recognition and genotyping of minor germplasm of Friuli Venezia Giulia revealed high diversityVitis 50 (1) 21-28
DÍAZ-LOSADA, E.; TATO SALGADO, A.; RAMOS-CABRER, A. M.; PEREIRA-LORENZO, S.Determination of genetic relationships of Albarino and Loureira cultivars with the Caino group by microsatellitesAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 62 (3) 371-375
DURAN, M. F.; AGÜERO, C. B.; MARTINEZ, L. E.Assessing the identity of the variety 'Pedro Giménez' grown in Argentina through the use of microsatellite markersRevista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 43 (2) 193-202
EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; FAUSTINO, R.; CLÍMACO, P.; FERNANDES, P.; CRUZ, A.; CUNHA, J.; VELOSO, M.; DE CASTRO, R.Catálogo das Castas para Vinho Cultivadas em Portugal Vol. 1-2Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.
EL OUALKADI, A.; ALTER, M.; MESSAOUDI, Z.; EL HEIT, K.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSIQUOT, J. M.; LACOMBE, T.; THIS, PGenetic diversity of Moroccan grapes accessions conserved ex situ compared to Maghreb and European gene poolsTree Genetics and Genomes 7 (6) 1287-1298
FAN, XIU-CAI; SUN, HAI-SHENG; LI, MIN; ZHANG, YING; JIANG, JIAN-FU; LIU, CHONG-HUAIA new grape Rootstock Cultivar Kangzhen 3Acta Horticulturae Sinica 38 (6) 1207-1208
FARCI, M.; LOVICU, G.; LABRA, M.; DE MATTIA, F.; GRASSI, F.; SATTA, M.; SANNA, F.Il Carenisca: un vitigno minore della SardegnaQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32 121-125
FOSCHI, F.Aggiornamento dell'elenco delle varietà di vite per uva da vino autorizzate alla coltivazione in Emilia-Romagna approvato con deliberazione dell'Assemblea legislativa del 21 ottobre 2008, n. 192. I provvedimento anno 2011Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Emilia-Romagna (BURERT), n.190 del 21.12.2011 periodico (Parte Seconda)
GAGO, P.; SANTIAGO, J.-L.; BOSO, S.; ALONSO-VILLAVERDE, V.; ORRIOLS, I.; MARTINEZ, M.-C.Identity of three grapevine varieties from a rediscovered viticulture region in northwest SpainJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 45 (3) 245-254
GARCIA-MUNOZ, S.Estudio de variedades minoritarias de vid (Vitis vinifera L.): Descripción, caracterización agronómica y enológica de material procedente de las Islas BalearesUniversidad de Valladolid, Tesis doctoral
GARCIA-MUNOZ, S.; MUNOZ-ORGANERO, G.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; CABELLO, F.Ampelography - an old technique with future uses: the case of minor varieties of Vitis vinifera L. from the Balearic IslandsJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 45 (3) 125-137
GARGIN, S.; GÖKTAS, A.; ALTINDISLI, A.; ERGÜL, A.Determination of technological features and ampelographic molecular characterization of some local grape varieties in Lakes region Turkey34th OIV World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto
GASPARRO, M.; BERGAMINI, C.; CAPUTO, A. R.; CARDONE, M. F.; CRUPI, P.; ANTONACCI, D.Caratterizzazione varietale e analisi filogenetica di vitigni autoctoni Calabresi34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, Portugal, 20-28 June 2011
GIUMARRA, S.; KARNIEL, S.ArraelevenUnited States Plant Patent 22,322
GIUMARRA, S.; KARNIEL, S.ArrafifteenUnited States Plant Patent 22,406
GIUMARRA, S.; KARNIEL, S.ArrasixteenUnited States Plant Patent 22,230
GIUMARRA, S.; KARNIEL, S.ArratenUnited States Plant Patent 22,229
GIUMARRA, S.; KARNIEL, S.ArrathirteenUnited States Plant Patent 22,295
GRAVIANO, O.; MUSA, G.; PIRAS, F.; DEMELAS, L.; SECCI, S.; PIGA, B.; AINI, G. G. M.; SCARANGELLA, R.Alvarega di Ozieri: Recupero e valorizzazione di un vitigno minore autoctono della Sardegna centro-settentionaleQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32 85-90
HADADINEJAD, M.; EBADI, A.; NAGHAVI, M.R.; NIKKHAH, R.Genealogy and Molecular Diversity of Iranian Grapevine Progenies (AddendumTable 1, 2013)Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (13) 1147-1161
HAIDU, E.Egri Csillagok 18 und Evapersönliche Mitteilung von Dr. Hajdu Edit, 4. April 2011
HAJDU, E.Szölöfajták, szaporitóanyaguk és betegségeikAgroinform Kiado es Nyomda Kft
HAO, Y.; LI, H.; YANG, R.; WANG, H.; WANG, Y.; GAO, Y.; WANG, F.A new table grape culticar - ZuirenxiangJournal of Fruit Science 28 (5) 938 - 939
HAUSMANN, L.; EIBACH, R.; ZYPRIAN, E.; TÖPFER, R.Genetic analysis of phylloxera root resistance in cultivar 'Börner'Acta Horticulturae, Belgium (904) 47-52
IVANOV, M.; NAKOV, Z.; SIMEONOV, I.Plevenska Rosa - a new white wine grapevine varietyBulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 44 (3) 80-85
IVANOV, M.; NAKOV, Z.; SIMEONOV, I.; ILIEV, A.Kaylashki Rubin - a new red wine grapevine varietyBulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 44 (4) 60-65
JAHNKE, G.; KOCSISNE MOLNAR, G.; MAJER, J.; SZÖKE, B.; TARCZAL, E.; VARGA, P.; KOCSIS, L.Analysis of grape rootstocks by SSR markersJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 45 (4) 199-210
JAHNKE, G.; MAJER, J.; VARGA, P.; SZOKE, B.Analysis of clones of Pinots grown in Hungary by SSR markersScientia Horticulturae 129 (1) 32-37
JIANG, A.; CHENG, J.; LI, S.; ZHANG, C.; JIN, P.; XI, X.Breeding report of a new grape cultivar ShenhuaJournal of Fruit Science 28 (5) 936 - 937
JUNG HO NOH; KYO SUN PARK; HAI KEUN YUN; YOUN YOUNG HUR; SEO JUN PARK; SEUNG HUI KIM; SUNG MIN JUNG; HAN CHAN LEETankeumchu: a Black Fruit, Seeded Table GrapeJournal of the American Pomological Society 65 (3) 170-172
KARNIEL, S.; GIUMARRA, S.ArrafourUnited States Plant Patent 22,321
KARNIEL, S.; GIUMARRA, S.ArratwoUnited States Plant Patent 22,405
KILIC, M. F.; DOGAN, A.; KAZANKAYA, A.; UYAK, C.Gevas (Van)’da Yetistirilen Üzüm Çesitlerinin Ampelografik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir ArastirmaIgdir University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1 (1) 23-31
LA NOTTE, P.; PIROLO, C. S.; GIANNINI, P.; CAGNAZZO, A.; VENERITO, P.; BOTTALICO, G.; SAVINO, V.Registrati 5 'nuovi' antichi vitigni pugliesiQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32 103-107
LAUCOU, V.; LACOMBE, T.; DECHESNE, F.; SIRET, R.; BRUNO, J.-P.; DESSUP, M.; DESSUP, T.; ORTIGOSA, P.; PARRA, P.; ROUX, C.; SANTONI, S.; VARES, D.; PEROS, J.-P.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; THIS, P.High throughput analysis of grape genetic diversity as a tool for germplasm collection managementTheoretical and Applied Genetics 122 (6) 1233-1245
LIU, SANJUN; KUAI, CHUANHUA; YU, QIAOLI; LIU, CHONGHUAI; GU, HONG; CHEN, YONGPENG;Xiazhi Hong, a new early ripening grape cultivarJournal of Fruit Science 28 (2) 367 - 368
LOPES, M. S.; MENDONÇA, D.; CÂMARA MACHADO, A.A domesticação das castas portuguesas e a origem do Verdelho e do Terrantêz do PicoBIOTECH, Universidade dos Açcores, Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açcores; Vitivinicultura Atlântica, Construir o Futuro, Pico, 10 de Junho de 2011
LOUREIRO RODRIGUEZ, D.; MORENO SANZ, P.; SUAREZ VALLES, B.Variedades de vid de AsturiasGobierno de Espana, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion
LOUREIRO, M. D.; MORENO-SANZ, P.; SUAREZ, B.Clonal preselection of grapevine cultivars of the appellation 'Cangas Quality Wine' (Asturias, Spain)Horticultural Science (Prague) 38 (2) 71-80
LU, J.; REN, Z.-B.; XU, X.Muscadine grape plant named ‘Majesty’United States Plant Patent 21,965
MALENICA, N.; SIMON, S.; BESENDORFER, V.; MALETIC, E.; KONTIC, J.K.; PEJIC, I.Whole genome amplification and microsatellite genotyping of herbarium DNA revealed the identity of an ancient grapevine cultivarNaturwissenschaften 98 (9) 763-772
MANNINI, F.; SANTINI, D.; SCHNEIDER, A.; MOLLO, A.; RAIMONDI, S.; RUFFA, P.; MARCHESE, E.; PARAVIDINO, E.; TRAGNI, R.Caratterizzazione genetica, agronomica e tecnologica di sette vitigni ad aroma primario e a bacca colorata del PiemonteQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32, 67-72
MARTIN, J.P.; ARRANZ, C.; CASTRO, I.D.; YUSTE, J.; RUBIO, J.A.; PINTO-CARNIDE, O.; ORTIZ, J.M.Prospection and identification of grapevine varieties cultivated in north Portugal and northwest SpainVitis 50 (1) 29-33
MENEGHETTI, S.; COSTACURTA, A.; FRARE, E.; ROLD, G. DA; MIGLIARO, D.; MORREALE, G.; CRESPAN, M.; SOTES, V.; CALO, A.Clones identification and genetic characterization of Garnacha grapevine by means of different PCR-derived marker systemsMolecular Biotechnology 48 (3) 244-254
MOLON, G.Ampelografia: descrizione delle migliori varietà di viti per uve da vino, uve da tavola, porta-innesti e produttori diretti, Volume 1 e Volume 2Ulrico Hoepli, Milano 1906, Reprint NABU Press 2011
MOREIRA, F. M.; MADINI, A.; MARINO, R.; ZULINI, L.; STEFANINI, M.; VELASCO, R.; KOZMA, P.; GRANDO, M. S.Genetic linkage maps of two interspecific grape crosses (Vitis spp.) used to localize quantitative trait loci for downy mildew resistanceTree Genetics and Genomes 7 (1) 153-167
MORENO SIMUNOVIC, Y.; VALLARINO CASTRO, J.Manual de Consulta de Cultivares and Portainjertos de Vides para VinificaciónUniversidad de Talca, Talca; Chile
MORENO-SANZ, P.; LOUREIRO, M. D.; SUAREZ, B.Microsatellite characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genetic diversity in Asturias (Northern Spain)Scientia Horticulturae 129 (3) 433-440
NIEDDU, G.Vitigni della SardegnaConvisar
OCETE, R.; ARROYO-GARCIA, R.; MORALES, M. I.; CANTOS, M.; GALLARDO, A.; PEREZ, M. A.; GÓMEZ, I.; LÓPEZ, M. A.Characterization of Vitis vinifera L. subspecies sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi in the Ebro river Basin (Spain)Vitis 50 (1) 11-16
PALMA DE, L.; LIMOSANI, P.; MICHELE DE, M.; TAMBORRA, P.; TARRICONE, L.; NOVELLO, V.Evaluation of experimental wines obtained from "new-old" white-berry genotypes of the northern province of the Apulia region (Daunia, Italy)Progrès Agricole et Viticole 128 (22) 477-484
PALMA, L. DE; DE MICHELE, M.; D'ONOFRIO, C.; SCHNEIDER, A.; FAUSTO, C.; TARRICONE, L.; LIMOSANI, P.; NOVELLO, V.Identificazione e caratterizzazione di vitigni minori pugliesi ad uva da vinoQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32, 25-30
PARK, SUNG MINBreeding of a seedless table grape cultivar 'Heukisul' (Vitis sp.) with high qualityKorean Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology 29 (5) 507-509
PIRAS, F.; BARBATO, M.; GRAVIANO, O.; FARCI, M.; PROTA, V.; MUSA, G.; CHESSA, I.; LOVICU, G.Indagini preliminari sulla biodiversità del Mandrolisai (Sardegna Centrale): I vitigni minori, la selezione massale e le verifiche sanitaire di alcuni vitigni autoctoni principaliQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche 32 73-78
POUZALGUES, N.Des cépages pour les vins rosésReussir Paysan du Midi (2) 5 Spécial IFV
PREINER, D.; HORVAT, I.; MALETIC, E.Ampelografske karakteristike klonskih kandidata sorte Plavina (V. vinifera L.) u pokusnom nasadu "Bastica" u 2010. godiniGlasnik zastite bilja, 34 (5) 74-80
PREINER, D.; LESIC, J.; STUPIC, D.; ANDABAKA, Z.; MALETIC, E.Ampelografske karakteristike klonskih kandidata sorte Grk (V. vinifera L.) u pokusnom nasadu "Bastica" u 2010. godiniGlasnik zastite bilja 34 (6) 68-79
RIAHI, LEILA; ZOGHLAMI, NEJIA; LAUCOU, VALÉRIE; MLIKI, AHMED; THIS, PATRICEUse of chloroplast microsatellite markers as a tool to elucidate polymorphism, classification and origin of Tunisian grapevinesScientia Gorticulturae 130 (4) 781-786
RIAZ, S.; TENSCHER, A. C.; RAMMING, D. W.; WALKER, M. A.Using a limited mapping strategy to identify major QTLs for resistance to grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) and their use in marker-assisted breedingTheoretical and Applied Genetics 122 (6) 1059-1073
SAVIC, SAmpelographic, agro-biological and economic-technological features of autochthonous Montenegro wine cultivar called Kratosija34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto
SOUZA LEAO, P. C. DE; BRANDAO, E. O.; SILVIA GONCALVES, N. P. DACaracterização agronômica e molecular do clone Itália Muscat no submédio do Vale do São FranciscoRevista Brasileira de Fruticultura 33 (1) 297-302
SOUZA LEAO, P. C. DE; DAMIAO CRUZ, C.; MOTOIKE, S. Y.Genetic diversity of table grape based on morphoagronomic traitsScientia Agricola 68 (1) 42-49
STAJNER, N.; RUSJAN, D.; KOROSEC-KORUZA, Z.; JAVORNIK, B.Genetic characterization of old Slovenian grapevine varieties of Vitis vinifera L. by microsatellite genotypingAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 62 (2) 250-255
STORCHI, P.; ARMANNI, A.; RANDELLINI, L.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S.; CRESPAN, M.Investigations on the identity of 'Canaiolo bianco' and other white grape varieties of central ItalyVitis 50 (2) 59-64
STRINGER, S.J.; MARSHALL, D.A."Eudora" Muscadine GrapeHorticultural Science 46 (1) 143-144
SWEET, N.New FPS Public Grape Varieties and SelectionsFPS Grape Program Newsletter October 2011
TOTH-LENCSES, A. K.; KOZMA, P.; KISS, E.Parentage Analysis in Hungarian Grape Cultivars of Seibel, Seyve-Villard OriginSzent István Egyetem/Mezogazdasági és Környezettudományi Kar, Genetika és Biotechnológiai Intézet, 2100, Gödöllo Páter Károly
TRIFAN, D. S.Study of table grapes polimorphysm and genetic characterization of mustsUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Ph:D school faculty of Horticulture