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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-81 of 81 items.

    Year: 2007

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AuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisher
AKKAK, A.; BOCCACCI, P.; BOTTA, R.'Cardinal' grape parentage: A case of a breeding mistakeGenome 50 (3) 325-328
AKKURT, M.; WELTER, L.; MAUL, E.; TÖPFER, R.; ZYPRIAN, E.Development of SCAR markers linked to powdery mildew (Unicula necator) resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis sp.)Molecular Breeding 19 (2) 103-111
ALMADANIM, M.C.; BALEIRAS-COUTO, M.M.; PEREIRA, H.S.; CARNEIRO, L.C.; FEVEREIRO, P.; EIRAS-DIAS, J. E.; MORAIS-CECILIO, L.; VIEGAS, W.; VELOSO, M. M.Genetic diversity of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars most utilized for wine production in PortugalVitis 46 (3) 116-119
AMMANN-DOUBLIEZ, C.Trois vieux cépages valaisans: Neyrun, Humagny et Regy édition, traduction et commentaire d'un texte de 1313Vallesia (62) 221-260
ANDERSEN, P. C.; CROCKER, T. E.; BREMAN, J. W.The Muscadine Grapehttps://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/HS100  
ANDRES DE, M.T.; CABEZAS, J.A.; CERVERA, M.T.; BORREGO, J.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J.M.; JOUVE, N.Molecular characterization of grapevine rootstocks maintained in germplasm collectionsAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (1) 75-86
ANONYMOUSBlatt für SortenwesenAmtsblatt des Bundessortenamtes 40 (4) 89
ANONYMOUSCatalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en France 2ème éditionInstitut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin (ENTAV-ITV)
ANONYMOUSCrossing Vineyards: A Star in PennsylvaniaVineyard & Winery Management (Mar/Apr) 39
BICA, D.Vitigni di SiciliaAssessorato Agricoltura e Foreste - Servizi allo Sviluppo - Palermo
BINIARI, K.; STAVRAKAKIS, M. N.Genetic study of 46 Greek grape cultivars by random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD- PCR)30th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Budapest
BORDENAVE, L.; LACOMBE, T.; LAUCOU, V.; BOURSQUOT, J. M.Etude historique, genetique et ampelographique des cepages Pyreneo AtlantiquesBulletin de l'OIV 80 (920-922) 553-586
BÖHM, G.Portugal Vitícola, O Grande Livro das CastasChaves Ferreira Publicaçoes
CABELLO SÁENZ DE SANTA MARIA, F.; MUÑOZ ORGANERO, G.; BENITO BARBA, A.; GARCÍA-BENEYTEZ, E.; ARMADA DIEZ DE RIVERA, J.Láminas del libro - Variedades de vid común - Simón de Rojas Clemente y RubioConsejería de Economía y Consumo Comunidad de Madrid
CANCELLIER, S.; COLETTI, A.; COLETTI, M.; SOLIGO, S.; MICHELET, E.Quattro 'nuovi' vitigni per la viticoltura VenetaQuaderni di Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche, Università di Torino (29) 5-25
CHEN ZHIDUAN; REN HUI; JUN WENFlora of China 12 - VitaceaeScience Press, Beijing, 210-222
CHRISTENSEN, P.New Releases of Fay Triplett Red Wine Varieties 'Maxine Rouge' and 'Rougett'FPS Grape Program Newsletter November 2007
COSTANTINI, E.; MATTALONI, C.; PETRUSSI, C.La vite nella storia e nella cultura del Friuli, Vol.1 - 2FORUM Editrice Universitaria Udinese srl, 33100 Udine; Italy
CRESPAN, M.; CRESPAN, G.; GIANNETTO, S.; MENEGHETTI, S. COSTACURTA, A."Vitouska" is the progeny of "Prosecco tondo" and "Malvasia bianca lunga"Vitis 46 (4) 192-194
DE MATTIA, F.; IMAZIO, S.; GRASSI, F.; LOVICU, G.; TARDAGUILA, J.; FAILLA, O.; MAITT, C.; SCIENZA, A.; LABRA, M.Genetic characterization of Sardinia grapevine cultivars by SSR markers analysisJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 41 (4) 175-184
DI VECCHI STARAZ, M.; BANDIENLLI, R.; BOSELLI, M.; THIS, P.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M.; LAUCOU, V.; LACOMBE, T.; VARES, D.Genetic structuring and parentage analysis for evolutionary studies in grapevine: Kinggroup and origin of the cultivar Sangiovese revealedJournal American Society Horticultural Sciences 132 (4) 514-524
DOULATY BANEH, H.; GRASSI, F.; MOHAMMADI, A.; NAZEMIEH, A.; MATTIA, F. DE; IMAZIO, S.; LABRA, M.The use of AFLP and morphological markers to study Iranian grapevine germplasm to avoid genetic erosionThe Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 82 (5) 745-752
DOULATY BANEH, H.; MOHAMMADI, S. A.; LABRA, M.; NAZEMIEH, A.; DE MATTIA, F.; MARDI, M.Chloroplast microsatellites markers to assess genetic diversity in wild and cultivated grapevines of IranPakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10 (11) 1855-1859
DZHAMBAZOVA, T.; HVARLEVA, T.; HADJINICOLI, A.; TSVETKOV, I.; ATANASSOV, A.; ATANASSOV, I.Characterization of grapevine rootstocks using microsatelite markersBiotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 21 (1) 58-62
FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, M.; MENA, A.; IZQUIERDO, P.; MARTINEZ, J.Genetic characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultvars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) using microsatellite markersVitis 46 (3) 126-130
FONTANA M.Quanto è bello registrare l'uva FogarinaVignevini 34 (10) 50-53
FONTANA, M.Alla ricerca dei nipoti della centenaria del FantiniVignevini 34 (6) 121-122
FONTANA, M.Nei patriarchi i segreti dei vitigni autoctoniVignevini 34 (6) 118-120
GARGIULO, A.A.Black GlobeUnited States Plant Patent 17,875
GARGIULO, A.A.Grapevine ‘90-3437’United States Plant Patent 18,226 P3
GENNARINI, A.Pugnitello, Abrusco e Foglia Tonda escono dall`ombra del SangioveseVignevini 34 (11) 150- 154
GERHARDT, J."Ihr Rebstock" & "Ihr" eigener WeinWein- und Sektkellerei Jakob Gerhardt
GOMEZ-ALONSO, S.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ ,M.; MENA, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; GARCIA-ROMERO, E.Anthocyanin profile of Spanish Vitis vinifera L. red grape varieties in danger of extinctionAustralian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 13 (3) 150-156
GONZALEZ, M. F.; MARTINEZ, J.; MENA, A.Morphological and molecular characterization of grapevine accessions known as Moravia/o (Vitis vinifera L.)American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (4) 544-547
GONZALEZ-ANDRES, F.; MARTIN, J.P.; YUSTE, J.; RUBIO, J.A.; ARRANZ, C.; ORTIZ, J.M.Identification and molecular biodiversity of autochthonous grapevine cultivars in the 'Comarca del Bierzo', León, SpainVitis 46 (2) 71-76
GUBIN, E.N.; GUBIN, A.E.New grape varieties from the selection of the TSKhAVinodelie i Vinogradarstvo (6) 41-42
GUBIN, E.N.; GUBIN, A.E.Promising grape varieties from the selection of the TSHAVinodelie i Vinogradarstvo (3) 36-37
HAJDU, E.Breeding of table grape varieties in Hungary and beyond our national bordersHungarian Agricultural Research 4
HOFFMANN, S.; CINDRIC, P.; KOZMA, P.Breeding resistante cultivars to downy and powdery mildew
INTRIERI, C.; FILIPPETTI, I.Così la biologia molecolar all' ampelografia garantiscVignevini 34 (10) 80- 83
JAHNKE, G.; KORBULY, J.; MAJER, J.; GYOERFFYNE MOLNAR, J.Discrimination of the grapevine cultivars Picolit and Keknyelü with molecular markersScientia Horticulturae 114 (1) 71-73
JÉGOUIC, N.Raisin de table: Innovation variétale et dynamique de filièreProgrès Agricole et Viticole, Montpellier 124 (4) 78-84
JUNG, A.Zinfandel, the Story Continues: New Insights to its ancient Variety History from a German point of viewRivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia, Conegliano (60) 3, 37-58
KRAJINOVIC, M.Savremena Poljoprivreda (Moderne Landwirtschaft)Contemporary Agriculture (56) 6
KRASOKHINA, S.I.; MAISTRENKO, L.A.; KOSTRIKIN, I.A.New promising table grapes from the selection of the VNIIViV im. "Ya. I. Potapenko"Vinodelie i Vinogradarstvo (3) 37-38
LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.-M. ; LAUCOU, V.; DECHESNE, F.; VARÈS, D.; THIS, P.Relationships and genetic diversity within the accesions related to Malvasia held in the Domaine de Vassal grape germplams repositoryAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (1) 124-131
LI S. H.; FAN, P. G.; LI, S. C.; YANG, M. R.Grape cultivars obtained by the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and their extension in ChinaActa Horticulturae (754) 73-77
MACGREGOR, D. W.Grapevine 'DM 8313-1'United States Plant Patent 17,773
MARANTO, J.Blanc SeedlessUnited States Plant Patent 17,504
MASI, E.; VIGNANI, R.; BOSELLI, M.; MANCUSO, S.Cultivar identity control of Campania region grapevine variety by molecular and neural network approachesAgricoltura Mediterranea, Italy 137 (1-2) 10-17
MEJIA, N.; GEBAUER, M.; MUNOZ, L.; HEWSTONE, N.; MUNOZ, C.; HINRICHSEN, P.Identification of QTLs for seedlessness, berry size, and ripening date in a seedless x seedless table grape progenyAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (4) 499-507
MONCADA, X.; HINRICHSEN, P.Limited genetic diversity among clones of red wine cultivar Carmenere as revealed by microsatellite and AFLP markersVitis 46 (4) 174-180
MRZLIC, D.Stare vinske sorte Slovenske Istre: crna borgonjaSAD, Rivijaza Sadjarstvo Vinogradnistvo in Vinarstvo 18 (10) 17
NIEDDU, G.; NIEDDU, M., COCCO, G. F.; ERRE, P.; CHESSA, I.Morphological and genetic characterization of the Sardinian 'Bovale' cultivarsActa Horticulturae, Belgium (754) 49-54
PALMA DE, L.; TARRICONE, L.; SOLETI, F.; LOPRIORE, G.; NOVELLO, V.Ecophysiological activity, fruit yield, grape and wine composition of an emerging Italian grapevine variety, grown in a warm area: AlbarossaProgrès Agricole et Viticole (124) 361-366
PASTORE, C.; ALLEGRO G.Alla riscoperta dei vitigni autoctoniRivista Agricoltura, 74-75
PAVLOUSEK, P. P.; MICHLOVSKY, M.Breeding of Grapevine Rootstocks in the Czech Republic30th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Budapest
PAVLOUSEK, P.; KORPAS, A.New grapevine varieties with an increased resistance to fungal diseasesMendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Viticulture and Enology
PINNEY, T.A history of wine in America - from the beginnings to prohibition Volume IUniversity of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 141-149
POUDEL, P. R.; KATOAKA, I.; MOCHIOKA, R.Low chilling trait of Vitis ficifolia var. Ganebu and its introduction into Vitis vinifera by cross breedingVitis 46 (1) 47-48
REGNER, F.Herkunft unserer Rebsorten: Grüner Veltliner, Blaufränkisch und St. LaurentDer Winzer, Klosterneuburg 63 (4) 12-15
REISCH, B.; LUCE, S.; HENICK-KLING, T.Recent releases and numbered selections from the Geneva grape breeding programNew York State Agricultural Experiment Station Geneva, NY
RELLA, M.Vent'anni di AlbanaVigne Vini (4) 22-24
RIAZ, S.; VEZZULLI, S.; HARBERTSON, E. S.; WALKER, M. A.Use of molecular markers to correct grape breeding errors and determine the identity of novel sources of resistance to Xiphinema index and Pierce's diseaseAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (4) 494-498
RINALDI, M.Sagrantino di Montefalco, una crescita controllataVignevini (11) 32-38
ROYCHEV, V.Agrobiological characterization of rare and newly developed seedless cultivars and hybrid vine formsLozarstvo i Vinarstvo (4) 38-44
RUSSO, G.; LIUZZI, V.; D'ANDREA, L.Evaluation, conservation and valorization of local Maruggio grapevine in southern ItalyActa Horticulturae, Belgium (754) 55-57
SANTIAGO, J. L.; BOSO, S.; GAGO, P.; ALONSO-VILLAVERDE, V.; MARTINEZ, M. C.Molecular and ampelographic characterisation of Vitis vinifera L. Albarino, Savagnin Blanc and Caino Blanco shows that they are different cultivarsSpanish Journal of Agricultural Research 5 (3) 333-340
SCHNEIDER, A.; MAMMOLITI, E.; TABLINO, L.Moscatello di Taggia, il rilancio di un vitigno perdutoVignevini 34 (10) 54-55
SELLI, F.; BAKIR, M.; INAN, G.; AYGÜN, H.; BOZ, Y.; YASASIN, A.S.; ÖZER, C.; AKMAN, B.; SÖYLEMEZOGLU, G.; KAZAN, K.; ERGÜL, A.Simple sequence repeat-based assessment of genetic diversity in 'Dimrit' and 'Gemre' grapevine accessions from TurkeyVitis 46 (4) 182-187
SLADONJA, B.; POLJUHA, D.; PLAVSA, T.; PERSURIC, D.; CRESPAN, M.Autochthonous Croatian grapevine cultivar 'Jarbola' - molecular, morphological and oenological characterizationVitis 46 (2) 99-100
SPIEGEL-ROY, P.; BARON, I.; SAHAR, H.; PERL, A.ArrafourteenUnited States Plant Patent 18,625
SPORTELLI, G. F.Il rilancio del vero Nero di TroiaVignevini 34 (5) 74-75
TAPIA, A. M.; CABEZAS, J. A.; CABELLO, F.; LACOMBE, T.; MARTINEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.; HINRICHSEN, P.; CERVERA, M. T.Determining the Spanish origin of representative ancient American grapevine varietiesAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (2) 242-251
VALENZUELA, J.; HEWSTONE, N.; MUNOZ, C.S.Isela-INIA, Nueva Variedad de Uva de MesaAgricultura Técnica (Chile) 67 (2) 201-204
VARGAS, A.M.; VELEZ, M.D.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; LAUCOU, V.; LACOMBE, T.; BOURSIQUOT, J.M.; BORREGO, J.; IBANEZ, J.Corinto bianco: A seedless mutant of Pedro XimenezAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58 (4) 540-543
VOUILLAMOZ, J.F.; MONACO, A.; CONSTANTINI, L.; STEFANINI, M.; SCIENZA, A.; GRANDO, M.S.The parentage of 'Sangiovese', the most important Italian wine grapeVitis 46 (1) 19-22
VOUILLAMOZ, J.F.; SCHNEIDER, A.; GRANDO, M.S.Microsatellite analysis of Alpine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.): alleged descendants of Pliny the Elder's Raetica are genetically relatedGenetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54 (5) 1095-1104
WAN, Y.; SCHWANINGER, H.; HE, P.; WANG, Y.Comparison of resistance to powdery mildew and downy mildew in Chinese wild grapesVitis 46 (3) 132-136
WELTER, L. J.; GÖKTÜRK-BAYDAR, N.; AKKURT, M.; MAUL, E.; EIBACH, R.; TÖPFER, R.; ZYPRIAN, E. M.Genetic mapping and localization of quantitative trait loci affecting fungal disease resistance and leaf morphology in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)Molecular Breeding, The Netherlands 20 (4) 359-374
YUN, H. K.; PARK, K. S.Grape and Grapevine Rootstock Breeding Program in KoreaInternational Journal of Plant Breeding 1(1) 22-26