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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-47 of 47 items.

    Year: 2005

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AuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisher
ANONYMOUSDatabase of the French Network of Grapevine Repositories © 2005-2023INRA-IFV-Montpellier SupAgro
ANONYMUSNew USDA Table Grape Varieties: Autumn King and Scarlet RoyalFPS Grape Program Newsletter November 2005
BANDINELLI, R.; BOSELLI, M.; PISANI, P. L.; BUCELLI, P.; LELLI, L.; LORIERI, P. P.; SCALABRELLI, G.; D'ONOFRIO, C.; FERRONI, G.; MATTEI, G.; PAOLICCHI, S.; STORCHI, P.; ARMANNI, A. B.; LAZZARA, S.; LEPRINI, M.; PIERI, M.Il germoplasma viticolo della Toscana - 1. Vitigni ad uva neraA.R.S.I.A.- Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione nel settore Agricolo-forestale, I-Firenze
BARKER, C. L.; DONALD, T.; PAUQUET, J.; RATNAPARKHE, M. B.; BOUQUET, A.; ADAM-BLONDON, A. F.; THOMAS, M. R.; DRY, I.Genetic and physical mapping of the grapevine powdery mildew resistance gene, Run1, using a bacterial artificial chromosome libraryTheoretical and Applied Genetics 111 (2) 370-377
BENJAK, A.; ERCISLI, S.; VOKURKA, A.; MALETIC, E.; PEJIC, I.Genetic relationships among grapevine cultivars native to Croatia, Greece and TurkeyVitis 44 (2) 73-77
BOCCACCI, P.; MARINONI, D.T.; GAMBINO, G.; BOTTA, R.; SCHNEIDER, A.Genetic characterization of endangered grape cultivars of Reggio Emilia provinceAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 56 (4) 411-416
BOSO, S.; SANTIANO, J. L.; VILANOVA, M.; MARTINEZ, M. C.Caractéristiques ampélographiques et agronomiques de différents clones du cultivar Albariño (Vitis vinifera L.)Bulletin de l'OIV. 78 (889-890) 143-158
CAIN, D.W.SugratwentysevenUnited States Plant Patent 15,468
CAMARGO, U.A.; MAIA, J.D.G.; NACHTIGAL, J.C.BRS Violeta - Nova cultivar de uva para Suco e Vinho de MesaComunicado Tecnico (63)
CONSTANTINI, L.; MONACO, A.; VOUILLAMOZ, J.F.; FORLANI, M.; GRANDO, M.S.Genetic relationships among local Vitis vinifera cultivars from Campania (Italy)Vitis 44 (1) 25-34
FANIZZA, G.; LAMAJ, F.; RESTA, P.; RICCIARDI, L.; SAVINO, V.Grapevine cvs Primitivo, Zinfandel and Crljenak kastelanski: Molecular analysis by AFLPVitis 44 (3) 147-148
FILIPPETTI, I.; INTRIERI, C.; CENTINARI, M.; BUCCHETTI, B.; PASTORE, C.Molecular characterization of officially registered Sangiovese clones and of other Sangiovese-like biotypes in Tuscany, Corsica and Emilia-RomagnaVitis 44 (4) 167-172
FREGONI, M.; CIVARDI, S.; VERCESI, A.; ZAMBONI, MMalvasia rosa: una nuova varietà aromatica da mutazione gemmariaRivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia (2-3-4) 39- 44
FREGONI, M.; ZAMBONI, M.La famiglia dei MoscatiVignevini 32 (11) 115-131
FREI, A.; PORRET, N.A.; BAUMGARTNER, D.; FREY, J.E.; GAFNER, J.Identification of Swiss grapevine cultivars with an optimized method applying multiplex microsatellite markersInternational Grape Genomics Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, S.38-41
GOETZ, G.Tafeltrauben: interessante neue SortenDer deutsche Weinbau (23) 16-18
GRANDO, M.S.; COSTANTINI, L.; MADINI, A.; SEGALA, C.GMC: Grape Microsatellite CollectionIASMA - Dipartimento Biologia e Genetica Molecolare
HALASZ, G.; VERBS, A.; KOZMA, P.; KISS, E.; BALOGH, A.; GALLI, Z.; SZÖKE, A.; HOFFMANN, S.; HESZKY, L.Microsatellite fingerprinting of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties of the Carpathian BasinVitis 44 (4) 173-180
HVARLEVA, T.; HADJINICOLI, A.; ATANASSOV, I.; ATANASSOV, A.; IOANNOU, N.Genotyping Vitis vinifera L. cultivars of Cyprus by microsatellite analysisVitis 44 (2) 93-97
HVARLEVA, T.; RUSSANOV, K.; ATANASSOV I.Mircosatellite Markers for Characterization of Grape Geneteic Resources and Identification of QTLs for Important Agronomic TraitsBiotechnology & Biotechnology Equipment 19 (Special Issue), 116-123
JOERGER, V.Resistenzzüchtung gegen BotrytisDer Badische Winzer (7) 29-32
KISS, E.; KOZMA, P.; HALASZ, G.; VERES, A.; GALLI, Z.; SZOEKE, A.; HOFFMANN, S.; MOLNAR, S.; BALOGH, A.; HESZKY, L.Microsatellite based fingerprints and pedigree analysis of grapevine cultivars of Carpathian basin originInternational Grape Genomics Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, S.79-87
KOBAYASHI, S.; GOTO-YAMAMOTO, N.; HIROCHIKA, H.Association of VvmybA1 gene expression with anthocyanin production in grape (Vitis vinifera) skin-color mutantsJournal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 74 (3) 196-203
KOCSIS, M.; JAROMI, L.; PUTNOKY, P.; KOZMA, P.; BORHIDI, A.Genetic diversity among twelve grape cultivars indigenous to the Carpathian Basin revealed by RAPD markersVitis 44 (2) 87-91
KRIVANEK, A. F.; STEVENSON, J. F.; WALKER, M. A.Development and comparison of symptom indices for quantifying grapevine resistance to Pierce's diseasePhytopathology 95 (1) 36-43
KRIVANEK, A. F.; WALKER, M. A.*Vitis* resistance to Pierce's disease is characterized by differential *Xylella fastidiosa* populations in stems and leavesPhytopathology 95 (1) 44-52
LADOUKAKIS, E.D.; LEFORT, F.; SOTIRI, P.; BACU, A.; KONGJIKA, E.; ROUBELAKIS-ANGELAKIS, K. A.Genetic characterization of Albanian grapevine cultivars by microsatellite markersJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 39 (3) 109-119
MAIGRE, D.Humagne Gris: première observation d'une forme grise de l'Humagene rouge en ValaisRevue Suisse de Viticulture Arboriculture Horticulture 37 (3) 153-155
MARTINEZ, M.C.; PEREZ, J.E.; BOSO, S.; SANTIAGO, J.L.; VILANOVA, M.Referencias Históricas y Características Ampelograficas de las Principales Variedades de Vid Cultivadas en ValdeorrasDeputación Provincial de Ourense
MC KENRY, M.Grape plant named RS-9United States Plant Patent 16,115
MERDINOGLU, D.; BUTTERLIN, G.; BEVILACQUA, L.; CHIQUET, V.; ADAM-BLONDON, A.F.; DECROOCQ, S.Development and characterization of a large set of microsatellite markers in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) suitable for multiplex PCRMolecular Breeding 15 (4) 349-366
PARK, YOUNG SIK; HEO, JAE YUN; KIM, IN JONG; HEO, SU JEONG; KIM, KYUNG HEE; JEONG, BYUNG CHAN; PARK, SUNG MINGrowth and Fruit Characteristics of Vitis amurensis Rupr. Collected in GangwondoKorean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 13 (6) 226-233
PERROTTET, M.Ein aussergewöhnlicher RebbaubetriebSchweizer Landtechnik, Oktober 2005, 26-27
POUDEL, P. R.; KATOAKA, I.; MOCHIOKA, R.Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on in vitro Propagation of Vitis ficifolia var. ganebu and its Interspecific Hybrid GrapeAsian Journal of Plant Sciences 4 (5) 466-471
RAIMONDI, S.; SCHNEIDER, A.; FERRANDINO, A.Barbassese, Barbera bianca e Timorasso vitigni bianchi minoriL'Informatore Agrario (7) 71-75
RAMMING, D.W.; TARAILO, R.E.Sweet ScarletUnited States Plant Patent 15,891
RENNER, W.; WOLF, T.; EDER, R.; REGNER, F.Ampelographische, analytische und genetische Aspekte der Rebsorte "Blauer Wildbacher"Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 55 (7-8) 193-200
SANTIAGO, J.-L.; BOSO, S.; VILANOVA, M.; MARTINEZ, M.-C.Characterisation of cv. Albarín Blanco (Vitis vinifera L.). Synonyms, homonyms and errors of identification associated with this cultivarJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 39 (2) 57-65
SANTIAGO, J.L.; BOSO, S.; MARTIN, J.P.; ORTIZ, J.M.; MARTINEZ, M.C.Characterisation and identification of grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) from northwestern Spain using microsatellite markers and ampelometric methodsVitis 44 (2) 67-72
SCHNEIDER, A.; TORELLO MARIONI, D.; BOCCACCI, P.; BOTTA, R.Relazioni genetiche del Vitigno 'Nebbiolo'Quaderni di scienze viticole ed enologiche Universita Torino (28) 93-100
SMILEY, L.BriannaIowa State University, Horticulture
SONG,R. G.; LU, W.P.; GUO, T.J.; LIU, J. K.; LIN, X. G.; SHEN, Y. J.; GUOZ, Z. G.; ZHANG; B. X.; YANG, Y. M.First breeding report of the dry-red grape variety Zuo youhong for winemakingSino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine (3) 13-18
SPRING, J.L.Expérimentation en Suisse romande de nouveaux cépages rouges résistants aux maladiesRevue Suisse de Viticulture Arboriculture Horticulture 37 (5) 255-261
TREZISE, R.G.; BURNE, P.M.Seedless GrapeAustralian Patent Office (IPA)
TROSHIN, L. P.; RADCHEVSKIJ, P. P.Zugelassene Rebsorten für den Weinbau in RusslandStaatliche Agraruniversität, Bezirk Kuban, Krasnodar
VIAL, P.M.; CRISOSTO, C.H.; CRISOSTO, G.M.Early harvest delays berrx skin browning of 'Princess' table grapesCalifornia Agriculture 59 (2) 103-108
ZULINI, L.; FABRO, E.; PETERLUNGER, E.Characterisation of the grapevine cultivar Picolit by means of morphological descriptors and molecular markersVitis 44 (1) 35-38