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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-47 of 47 items.

    Year: 2002

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AuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisher
ANONYMOUSBlatt für SortenwesenAmtsblatt des Bundessortenamtes (10) 337
ANONYMOUSMalianPlant Varieties Journal (15) 2
ARROYO-GARCÍA, R.; LEFORT, F.; ANDRÉS, M. T. DE; IBÁÑEZ, J.; BORREGO, J.; JOUVE, N.; CABELLO, F.; MARTÍNEZ-ZAPATER, J. M.Chloroplast microsatellite polymorphisms in Vitis speciesGenome 45 (6) 1142-1149
BASLER, P.; PFENNINGER, H.GamaretSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst-Weinbau (4) 81
BORREGO, J.; DE ANDRES, M.T.; GOMEZ, J.L.; IBANEZ, J.Genetic study of Malvasia and Torrontes groups through molecular markersAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 53 (2) 125-130
BOSS, P. K.; THOMAS, M. R.Association of dwarfism and floral induction with a grape 'green revolution' mutationNature 416 (6883) 847-850
CAIN, D. W.SugratwentyoneUnited States Plant Patent 13,444
CAIN, D. W.SugratwentytwoUnited States Plant Patent 13,198
CAIN, D.W.SugratwentythreeUnited States Plant Patent 13,164
CAIN, W. D.SugraseventeenUnited States Plant Patent 13,199
CALO, A.; CANCELLIER, S.; CELOTTI, E.; COLETTI, A.; COLETTI, M.; COSTACURTA, A.; CRESPAN, M.; DALLA SERRA, A.; GIACOBBI, P.; MATTIVI, F.; MICHELET, E.; SOLIGO, S.; STOCCO, A.Recupero, conservazione e valorizzazione del germoplasma viticolo VenetoVeneto Agricultura, Legnaro
CHRISTENSEN, P.Fay Triplett CollectionFPS Grape Program Newsletter October 2002
CLARK, J.R.; MOORE, J.N.Grapevine plant named JupiterUnited States Plant Patent 13,309
CRESPAN, M.; CALO, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; MILANI, N.; GUIST, M.; CARRARO, R.; DI STEFANO, R.Ciliegiolo e Aglianicone: unico vitigno direttamente imparentato col SangioveseRivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia 55 (2-3) 3-14
DOLIGEZ, A.; BOUQUET, A.; DANGLOT, Y.; LAHOGUE, F.; RIAZ, S.; MEREDITH, C. P.; EDWARDS, K. J.; THIS, P.Genetic mapping of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) applied to the detection of QTLs for seedlessness and berry weightTheoretical and Applied Genetics 105 (5) 780-795
FILIPPETTI, I.; SILVESTRONI, O.; THOMAS, M.R.; RAMAZOTTI, S.; INTRIERI, C.Caratterizzazione molecolare e analisi filogenetica di alcuni vitigni da vino coltivati nell`Italia centro-settentrionaleRivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura 64 (1) 57-64
FRANKS, T.; BOTTA, R.; THOMAS, M.R.Chimerism in grapevines: implications for cultivar identity, ancestry and genetic improvementTheoretical and Applied Genetics 104 (2-3) 192-199
FREGONI, M.; ZAMBONI, M.; COLLA, R.Caratterizzazione ampelografica dei vitigni autoctoni piacentiniUniversità Cattolica S.C. Cattedra di Viticoltura Piacenza
GARCIA-BENEYTEZ, E.; MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V.; BORREGO, J.; POLO, M.C.; IBANEZ, J.Application of a DNA analysis method for the cultivar identification of grape musts and experimental and commercial wines of Vitis vinifera L. using microsatellite markersJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (21) 6090-6096
JÖRGER, V.Die neuen pilzwiderstandsfähigen Rotwein-Zuchtstämme des Staatlichen Weinbauinstituts FreiburgSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 138 (5) 90-94
JÖRGER, V.Pilzwiderstandsfähige Rote aus FreiburgDer Badische Winzer (11) 36-40
KARNIEL, S.GrapaesUnited States Plant Patent 12,696
LEFORD. F.; ROUBELAKIS-ANGELAKIS, KALLIOPI.Assessing the identity of grapevine plants from vineyards from Crete and Samos by microsatellite profilingJournal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 36 (4) 177-183
MUNOZ-ORGANERO, G.; BORREGO, J.; MARTIN J.P.; RODRIGUEZ-TORRES, I.; IBANEZ, J.; CABELLO, F.Tinto de la Pampana Blanca y tinto Velasco. Dos variedades de vid emparentadasViticultura/Enologia Profesional (82) 15-25
OKIE, W.R.Register of New Fruit and Nut Varieties, List 41HortScience 37 (2) 256-257
PAN, Y. Z.The performance of Zizhenxiang grape variety in the Yangtze middle reach area and its cultural techniquesSouth China Fruits 31 (2) 44-45
PARISI, L.É Autoctono il Groppello di RevòVignevini (4) 40-41
PILJAC, J.; MALETIC, J.; KONTIC, J.K.; DANGL, G.S.; PEJIC, I.; MIROSEVIC, N.; MEREDITH, C.P.The parentage of Posip bijeli, a major white wine cultivar of CroatiaVitis 41 (2) 83-87
POMMER, C.V.; RIBEIRO, I.J.A.; PEDRO, M.J. JR.; HERNANDES, J.L.; MARTINS, F.P.; GALLO, P.B.IAC Juliana - Table grape cultivarCrop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 2 (2) 323-324
RIAZ, S.; GARRISON, K. E.; DANGL, G. S.; BOURSIQUOT, J. M.; MEREDITH, C. P.Genetic divergence and chimerism within ancient asexually propagated winegrape cultivarsJournal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 127 (4) 508-514
SCHROPP, A.; ZINK, M.; JUNG, A-K.Rici und Cina - Zwei neue reblausresistente Unterlagensorten für die PraxisDeutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch (53) 175-182
SCHUMANN, F.Die Weinberge der Zukunft stehen auf Unterlagen aus NaumburgVortrag in Freyburg (Unstrut)
SCHWAPPACH, E.80 Jahre - RieslanerVerband Ehemaliger Veitshöchheimer e.V. (92) 29-34
SIRET, R.; GIGAUD, O.; ROSEC, J.P.; THIS, P.Analysis of grape Vitis vinifera L. DNA in must mixtures and experimental mixed wines using microsatellite markersJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (13) 3822-3827
TODOROV, I.; DYAKOVA, G.; IVANOVA, P.Bulgarien desert grape varieties selected at the institute 'Obraztsov chiflik' RousseInstitute of Agriculture and Seed Science "Obraztsov Chiflik" - Rousse
ULANOVSKY, S.; GOGORCENA, Y.; MARTINEZ DE TODA, F.; ORTIZ, J.M.Use of molecular markers in detection of synonymies and homonymies in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)Scientia Horticulturae 92 (3-4) 241-254
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Autumn Royal grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Diamond Muscat raisin grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Princess grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Summer Muscat raisin grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Summer Royal grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen of the release of Sunmuscat raisin grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, WASHINGTONNotice to fruit growers and nurserymen relative to the naming and rel. of the DOVine Raisin grapeAgricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington
VIGNANI, R.; SCALI, M.; MASI, E.; CRESTI, M.Genomic variability in Vitis vinifera L. "Sangiovese" assessed by microsatellite and non-radioavtive AFLP testElectronic Journal of Biotechnology 5 (1) 1-11
WALKER, A.Developing Rootstocks to Combat Nematodes in California VineyardsFPS Grape Program Newsletter 15
ZHUO, X.; SHIOZAKI, S.; OGATA, T.; HORIUCHI, S.Changes in leaf morphology of grape seedlings during transition from the juvenile to adult phaseJournal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 71 (5) 664-669
ZULINI, L.; RUSSO, M.; PETERLUNGER, E.Genotyping wine and table grape cultivars from Apulia (Southern Italy) using microsatellite markersVitis 41 (4) 183-187