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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-54 of 54 items.

    Year: 1992

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AuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisher
ALIEV, A.M.; KOSTRIKIN, I.A.; MARTYNOVA, I.N.Rebsorten für das Hofgrundstück (Russ.)R.I.O., Rostov am Don
ANDERSEN, P. C.Performance of Cultivars and Selections of Muscadine grapes in North CaliforniaFruit Varieties Journal 46 (4) 225-249
ANONYMOUSBlatt für SortenwesenAmtsblatt des Bundessortenamtes (10) 374
ANONYMOUSIrpiniaVignevini 19 (12) 78-80
ANONYMOUSLe ViognierProgrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (7) 158-160
ANONYMOUSMalvasia RosaVignevini 19 (4) 63
ANONYMOUSMarroo SeedlessCSIRO Division of Horticulture 1-2
ANONYMOUSMarsanneVignevini 19 (7/8) 74
ANONYMOUSNoms corses de cépage (lexique réactualisé)Centre d'Information et de Vulgarisation pour l'Agriculture et le Milieu rural de la Region Corse
ANONYMOUSPrincipaux cépages cultivés en SuisseRevue suisse de Viticulture aboriculture horticulture, Vol.25
ANONYMOUSSauvignon biancoVignevini 19 (5) 73
ANONYMOUSVarieties to choose from Dimyat and Muscat HamburgLozarstvo i Vinarstvo, Sofia 41 (2/3) 5-6
ANTONACCI, D.Risposta produttiva delle uve apirene da tavola alle tecnichedi forzaturaVignevini 19 (12) 66-73
BONOMO G.; CASCIO G.; CATALANO G.; FERRO L.; MALTESE V.La situazione ampelographica sicilianaVignevini 19 (12) 19-27
BOUBALS, D.Lecons de Viticulture en GrèceProgrès Agricole et Viticole (109) Nr. 22- Special SITEVINITECH
BOUBALS, D.Notes de voyage a travers le viticulture TurqueProgrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (21) 455-463
CALISTRU, G.; OANA, M.; MARCULESCU, M.; DAMIAN, D.; MARIN, A.; MARIUTA, P.Precoce - a new sort of vine rootstockAgronomical Researches in Moldavia 25 (3) 23-31
CALO, A.; COSTACURTA, A.Tocai Friulano e Sauvignonasse: un unico vitignoRivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia, Conegliano 45 (3) 31-40
CATALDI LUPO, M.C.; NICOLOSI ASMUNDO, C.; CAMPISI, S.Il Mavrodafni di PatrassoVignevini 19 (12) 41-43
DZHENEEV, S.YU.; SMIRNOV, K.V.The production of table grapes, raisins and seedless raisins (Russ.)Kolos, Moskva
FOERSTER, C.O. - J.R.A life time of breeding for seedless grapes that resulted in five varieties for TexasRio Grande Valley Hortic. Society, 1-3
GEORGIEV, I.Tafeltraubensorte "Prvenets"Lozarstvo i Vinarstvo, Sofia 41 (7/8) 6-7
GUZUN, N.I.Rebsorten aus moldavischer SelektionRebe und Wein Russlands (1) 52-54
HILL, B.Bisherige Ergebnisse des Züchtungsprogrammes "Deckrotweinsorten" aus der LVWO WeinsbergDeutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch (43) 23-30
KATEROV, K.; DONCHEV, A.MerlotLozarstvo i Vinarstvo, Sofia 41 (7/8) 3
KONDAREV, M.Tafeltraube "Kondarev 6"Lozarstvo i Vinarstvo, Sofia 41 (9/12) 7-8
KOSTRIKIN, I.A.; NAUMOVA, L.G.; BRODENKO, A.A.Neue RebsorteVinograd i Vino Rossii (1) 19-20
LASSALLE ASTIS, D.Nouvéaux cépages pour le sud de la France (INRA)Progrès Agricole et Viticole 110 (23) 511-519
LIUNI, C.S.; ANTONACCI, D.; POLLASTRO, L.Red ItaliaVignevini 19 (10) 69-72
MARCULESCU, M."Novac" - a new grapes variety for red winesHorticultura 41 (5) 25-29
MURTHY, B.N.S.; SINGH, R.Potential new grape hybrids for juice and wineDrakshavrutta Souvenir 12 (6) 121-123
MURTHY, B.N.S.; SINGH, R.Promising seedless grape hybridsDrakshavrutta Souvenir 12 (6) 87-88
PIRES, E. J. P.; POMMER, C. V.; TERRA, M. M.; DA SILVA, A. C. P.; PASSOS, I. R. DA S.; MARTINS, F. P.; COELHO, S. M. B. M.; RIBEIRO, I. J. A.; PEREIRA, F. M.Cultivares IAC de uvas de mesa apirenas sobre dois porta-enxertosPesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasilia 27 (3) 449-453
POSPISILOVA, D.; KORPAS, O.Anbau und technologische Charakteristik der Neuzüchtung DevinVinohrad 30 (1) 2-5
RANCA, A.; BALANESCU, A.The comportment of some varieties of the assortment "Chasselas" in the ampelographic collection of MurfatlarHorticultura (9-10) 20-23
REISCH, B.I.; POOL, R.M.; EINSET, J.; EINSET, H.ChardonelUnited States Patent 07,860
RINALDI, A.; VALLI, R.I vecchi vitigni di Reggio EmiliaVignevini (10) 21-24
ROURE, F.Le Viognier: cépage coquelucheLa Vigne, 27-28
SAROWA, P.S.Performance of Manik Chaman and Tas-A-Ganesh Mutants of Thompson seedless Grape under North West plains of IndiaDrakshavritta Smarnika 39-40
SCARTEZZINI, H.Herkunft und Verbreitung einiger Traubensorten im EisacktalObstbau Weinbau (11) 303-305
SCHNEIDER, A.; MANNINI, F.Pelaverga o CariVignevini 19 (9) 48
SCHNEIDER, A; GUIDONI, S.; MANNINI, F.Le Malvasie del PiemonteVignevini 19 (10) 14-20
SUEKE, H.; TUTIYA, E.; HAGIWARA, K.Abstracts and Reviews - Abstracts of Papers Presented at the ASEV Japan Annual MeetingAmerican Journal of Enology and Viticulture 43 (2) 215
TARDEA C.; CALINESCU C.; MUSTEA M.Valoarea agrobiologica si tehnologica a unor soiuri de vita de vie curesistenza biologica complexa, in conditiile climatice din podgoria iasiUniversitatea Agronomica "Ion Ionescu de la brad"; IASI; Seria Horticultura
TCHEBANENKO, E.P.; PISMENNAYA, L.M.Rubin TairovskiBulletin O.I.V. 65/I, 260
TODOROV, I.Des formes transgressives précieuses obtenues par autofécondation de la vigneProgrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (5) 104-106
TRUEL, P.La Syrah dans le monde présentation des vignoblesProgrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (17) 363-368
VIJAYAKUMAR, M.; AZHTA MANAVALAN R.S.; LAKSHMANAN V.; RANGAScreening of grape varieties for North Western Zone of Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Grape Growers Association Pune, IndiaDrakshavritta Souvenir (6) 41-44
WAGNER, R.; BOIS, G.Nouvelles variétés de raisin de cuve et de table sélectionnées par l'INRAProgrès Agricole et Viticole 109 (8) 175-185
YAMANE, H.; KURIHARA, A. ET AL.New grape cultivar "North Black"Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station (22) 13-21
YAMANE, H.; KURIHARA, A.; YAMADA, M.; NAGATA, K.; YOSHINAGA, K.; MATSUMOTO, R.; KISHI, T.; OZAWA, T.; SUMI, T.; HIRABAYASHI, T.; KAKUTANI, M.; SATO, A.New grape cultivar "Aki Queen"Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station (22) 1-11
YAMANE, H.; KURIHARA, A.; YAMADA, M.; NAGATA, K.; YOSHINAGA, K.; MATSUMOTO, R.; KISHI, T.; OZAWA, T.; SUMI, T.; HIRABAYASHI, T.; KAKUTANI, M.; SATO, A.; HIRAKAWA, N.New grape cultivar "Honey black"Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station (23) 25-36
ZHAMBA, A.I.Renovation of grapes assortment (russ.)Sadovodstvo, Vinogradarstvo i Vinodelie v moldove (10/12) 15-19